I believe there is a direct correlation between love and laughter.

I believe there is a direct correlation between love and laughter.

The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort ...

The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply.

I am a direct person.

I would like to direct.

I'd love to direct more.

Every actor wants to direct.

I still direct my own videos.

I've always been a direct guy.

I only direct in self-defense.

I don't like to direct myself.

I'd like to direct more operas.

If you can't be direct, why be?

You have to be insane to direct.

I want to write, act, and direct!

It's totally thrilling to direct.

It is my passion to direct movies.

ABBA was a direct influence on me.

I don't direct the plays of others.

I don't direct movies for a living.

I like to direct for the big screen.

You can't direct without a good crew.

Direct threats require decisive action.

Eventually I'd love to be able to direct.

And I certainly intend to direct someday.

You don't direct ostriches, you herd them.

A bonus: You don't have to diet to direct.

If you want to direct, you've got to work.

Gosh, I'd like to direct Our Town on stage.

Patience is the direct antithesis of anger.

I don't act, I don't direct, I don't design.

I want to direct. Definitely a goal of mine.

Nature will tell you a direct lie if she can.

I still have my talent to produce and direct.

Instinct is the direct connection with truth.

I'm too direct and too unsparingly impatient.

I would always direct my own stuff in Mexico.

I love acting, and I have no desire to direct.

Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.

Yes, I definitely plan to direct at some point.

I'm currently trying to direct my own material.

Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.

I guess actors don't like to direct each other.

When people direct insults at me, I can take it.

If there is no direct threat why are we invading?

I direct a lot of TV commercials and music videos.

Directors never direct me. They just let me loose.

All the films I do, I write the scripts, I direct.

Curiosity is the direct incontinency of the spirit.

To have a director's direct feedback is invaluable.

I've been asked to direct pilots for a lot of shows.

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