What? You don't trust me?

Don't trust, just verify.

Don't trust your teachers.

Don't trust anyone over 30.

I don’t trust air I can’t see.

I don't trust him. We're friends.

I don't trust anyone who wouldn't.

Don't trust anyone who isn't angry.

I don't trust lawyers and journalists.

I don't trust anybody who didn't inhale.

If I don't trust [in] it, then it's worthless.

I don't trust liberals, I trust conservatives.

I don't trust a government I can't shoot back at

I don't trust them but I'm learning to use them.

If you don't trust anyone, they can't let you down.

I don't trust any man who hasn't kissed another man.

I don't trust any camera you can't make out of wood.

I don't trust a girl who doesn't have any girlfriends.

Don't trust somebody that don't have a troubled period.

I'm looking at CNN and I don't trust any of these people.

Frankly, I don't trust any diet that doesn't allow sugar.

I'm from Los Angeles... I don't trust any air I can't see.

I don't trust my inner feelings, inner feelings come and go.

Right now, I don't believe [Donald Trump]. I don't trust him.

I don’t trust beauty anymore / when will I stop believing it?

I don't trust nobody, especially when they say something good.

I don't trust anybody in my life except my mother and my dogs.

I don't trust a bank that would lend money to such a poor risk.

I don't trust an organization that would make policy out of fear.

Well, I sort of don't trust anybody who doesn't like Led Zeppelin.

Distorting attacks when people already don't trust you is not smart.

I don't trust a girl that doesn't eat. I find that a little sketchy.

personally I don't trust literature that soothes people's consciences.

If you don't trust everybody on stage with you, then you're in trouble.

I don't trust anyone that hasn't been to jail at least once in their life.

Quotations--always inexact. I don't trust people who cannot even copy out.

That's life: trust and you're betrayed; don't trust and you betray yourself.

When I see someone with an immaculate sketchbook, I don't trust that person.

We're not saying, 'We're politicians, trust us.' We know you don't trust us.

People always tell me with absolute certainty that they don't trust themselves.

It's not that I don't trust you, Dunstable, it's simply that I don't trust you.

Don't trust anybody who'd rather be grammatically correct than have a good time.

It's a good idea to not get involved with somebody that you don't trust. That's for sure.

I'm having a hard time finding a date. I don't trust any women I meet. I'm very skeptical.

That's been my fear all along. That I'm not enough, and I still don't trust at all that I am.

When you ask me to sign your NDA, you're basically saying, in writing, that you don't trust me.

I don't trust sentimentality in men; it goes with tyranny; you can't have one without the other.

Beware of anyone who says they know. Trust me, they don't, or they wouldn't have to say they did.

If you don't trust the roots of the modern music in Africa, then there's hope for that music at all.

If you don't trust someone to look after your investments, then they shouldn't be doing the job for you.

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