The Isaac Chilemba fight was draining.

When you give of yourself, it's draining.

The signs of psychic draining - we call aging.

Life shouldn't be something that's draining and long.

Honestly, the pains of humanity have been draining me.

'Taramani' was a very emotionally draining film for me.

Middlesbrough took a lot out of me, it was enjoyable but draining.

These seasons, as you get older, they just are so long and draining.

I'd like to settle down eventually, but acting is emotionally draining.

Being on the move all the time is draining, but the rewards make up for it.

I really hate drama. It's draining; it's mentally draining. It's a waste of time.

President Trump is draining the D.C. swamp by fighting against corporate welfare.

To play in a Super Over at the end of a draining day takes a huge amount of effort.

Anger and bad experiences used to fuel my performances, but it was horribly draining.

Acting is emotionally draining, so I make it a point to not do anything when I am home.

The only thing with press attention is that it can be very draining on our energy store.

I'm too diplomatic. I tend to edit my mind before I speak - it can be incredibly draining.

Seeing The English Patient is wonderfully draining, but imagine acting in it for six months.

Fighting is a very emotionally draining sport. I don't want to waste time on drama beforehand.

It's pretty draining, the amount of games I watch on a daily basis. It's pretty much non-stop.

A lot of people don't realize the toll put on activists. There's a very draining element to it.

Pregnancy is uncomfortable and draining, and the end isn't in sight until it becomes unbearable.

Living out a story eight times a week is difficult and draining emotionally but very fulfilling.

Life at the top is financially rewarding, spiritually draining, physically exhausting, and short.

Just emotionally, as amazing as it is to win the World Cup, it's emotionally draining in many ways.

Someone told me once that I'm worse than a dog, I'm the scum of the earth, so for me it was draining.

Acting, really, is a lot of mental fatigue, emotional fatigue, concentration... it's mentally draining.

Both songs are really, really intense when it comes to performing them, and very draining at the same time.

There is no worse situation to be in than Oscar night. Not knowing whether you've won is completely draining.

It is draining when you have a child, and there aren't many women directors with kids out there as role models.

There are things that I am doing apart from films to keep me normal. Otherwise, emotionally, it is very draining.

Choreography is mentally draining, but there's a pleasure in getting into the studio with the dancers and the music.

When you work for something, no matter hard it is, no matter how time consuming, how draining it is, you work for it.

By ending congressional taxpayer-funded pensions, we will take one more step toward draining the swamp in Washington.

When you see someone draining you, your being naturally cuts it off. Yet many times you can be manipulated not to see.

It has nothing to do with the emotional demands of a role; I've done comedies that are as draining to me as any drama.

I champion a real campaign to tackle the rampant corruption that is draining Saudi resources, both financial and human.

When I play a villain, I usually get home and sleep straight through the night. It's physically and emotionally draining.

Once I did a film like 'Verna,' which was emotionally draining, I knew I needed to do something lighter and entertaining.

One-day cricket is a lot more draining because it's a lot faster. You don't get as much break. You are running a lot harder.

Yeah, touring can get rough some times and draining, but I always have to pinch myself and realize that I'm doing what I love.

Most people who know me know I'm not switched on all the time. I don't like to be like that in real life, because it's draining.

I'm really sick of the 'one percent' that is taking all the money from this country, draining the middle class, making it nonexistent.

It's mentally draining to be on 100% of the time on both ends of the floor, especially when you're the team's undisputed shot creator.

In its early days, Trump's presidency ought to be viewed as the arduous start to the complicated task of draining the Washington swamp.

It really is draining: when you sing a song, it means so much to you, and every time you sing it, you feel it ,and these emotions come back.

The draining away of James Baldwin's magic was a drama much discussed in the years leading up to his death in 1987 at the age of sixty-three.

I get pretty terrified, to be honest, when I'm on tour. You really have to muster a lot of ego to go our there, which I find rather draining.

My songs are very personal, which means they are fantastically therapeutic to write, but performing them night after night is emotionally draining.

For me, working is the ultimate vacation, for lack of a better word. Its being in-between jobs were it becomes emotional, and brutal, and draining.

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