Boom, crush. Night, losers. Winning, duh.

I have had a love-hate relationship with my body.

I mean, of course there's art in video games - duh.

You don't talk about celebrities in the Hamptons, duh!

Let me state the obvious. Illegal immigration is illegal, duh.

Loser loser, double loser, whatever, as if, get the picture. DUH!

What do I geek out over? I mean, totally, I geek out over Hanson. Duh.

Well, duh. He was six feet, six inches tall and built like a brick shithouse.

Duh! So, we're asking you now, what are some of your favorite lines that this warlock brain produced?

When you're younger - duh - you don't really have the tools to deal with certain things in your life.

People say I manipulate the media. Well, duh. We live in a media culture, so why on earth wouldn't I?

I know all the new phrases: 'cowabunga,' 'radical,' cat's pajamas,' 'duh,' and 'hey, homie don't play that.

It's in the Bible. God created it. He did not create gay marriage. He created man and woman marriage -- duh!

I once tried to raise two tomato plants, and they died in spite of the fact I fertilized them every morning. Duh.

One of the most comical comments that my 'Wendy' watchers said is, 'She talks too much!' Duh, I'm a talk show host!

You know what kind of companies generally survive? Companies that make more money than they spend. I know, duh, right?

A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: 'Duh.'

The French announced today that they would not help us remove Saddam from Iraq. Well Duh! They didn't even help us remove Hitler from France.

He looked blank. “He’s the one who’s been doing the magic against us?” “Duh,” I said. “Doona be ‘duh’ing me, lass,” he growled, his burr thickening.

According to New York publishers, Bill Clinton will get more money for his book than Hillary Clinton got for hers. Well, duh. At least his book has some sex in it.

Yeah, I know, but word came from Artemis herself that she wanted him here. Looks like we’re having a psycho reunion this week…Oh wait, it’s Mardi Gras. Duh. (Talon)

Very early on in the process of trying to sell 'The Summer Prince,' I was told, 'Slavery seems to be very important to this society - is that on purpose?' Well, duh.

Well, duh. You're cuter than she is." He said it like he might say, Grass is green or, Gravity works. Something warm opened up inside my chest. It was a nice feeling.

When I look at 'Napoleon Dynamite's style I'm reminded of how I spoke when I was an eight-year-old boy. It was just like capturing the essence of, 'Duh!' It was just like the stuff that I would say when I was like eight, nine, ten years old.

When you are starting a business or going down any challenging endeavor, you are bound to encounter challenges. You are going to hit many roadblocks and obstacles. These are obstacles that would make any sane person want to throw in the towel and quit. If you want your business to succeed, you can’t do that (duh).

Music moves me - duh - and that is like having a window opening on a heightened reality, but the effect is fleeting: When the music ends, the magic, the uplifting, vanishes and the window slams shut. Words, on the other hand, by the nature of how they work, emotions evoked by dint of carefully laid out thoughts, have a more lingering effect.

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