I was educated by monks - I thank them dearly for the education they gave me, but I am no longer a Catholic.

I use every single thing that Alfred Hitchcock taught me in my acting career... I am very grateful for the education he gave me in making motion pictures.

I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think.

Education lays a strong foundation. I was keen on films, but my mother insisted on me finding all about the line I was planning to take. I am into films but I know my Plan B is ready, just in case.

I am the product of the American education system. It is a system that has always been on the lookout for bright boys and girls. It spotted me when I was 14, and I owe a tremendous debt to my alma mater.

I took part in plays in school and college, and that is when I realised this is what I wanted to do. My parents told me to finish education and then do what interested me. This is what all parents say, and I am glad that I did that. I took mass media and advertising in under-graduation.

I enjoy trolls. They try to shake my confidence and bring me down with such remarks, but they never knew they helped me grow. They saw my curly hair, they saw my dark color, they saw my short stature and they started making memes. I know they can mock my appearance but they cannot claim I am corrupt or talk about my education or my eloquence.

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