I've earned every single thing that I've got.

Every single thing I do... is just me surviving.

Every single thing in my life is built around race.

If you are a real leader, every single thing is your fault.

You have to be a professional in every single thing you do.

The single thing I've found it valuable to memorize is poetry.

Every single thing you do, you don't really have expectations.

In South Louisiana, every single thing we do is jazz or zydeco.

My mother kept every single thing that she ever got in her life.

Every body and thing has politics involved. Every. Single. Thing.

There's a lot of thought that goes into every single thing I wear.

I'm an accumulation of every single thing I've done, good and bad.

The hardest single thing you do is get the bloody screenplay right.

I second-guess and overthink and rethink every single thing that I do.

I would not get to know every single thing that happens in Sports Direct.

If I had to do my life over, I would change every single thing I have done.

The biggest single thing that has lifted people out of poverty is free trade.

I want people to know that I'm going to leave every single thing on the field.

Teachers are asked to do so much, and they can't be good at every single thing.

Do every single thing you can to protect yourself, your family, and your country.

When I moved out to L.A., I went on 156 auditions before I booked a single thing.

Don't define yourself by your mistakes or by the single thing you are at your work.

Liberalism is a cancer; it's a forest fire; it destroys every single thing it touches.

I don't think I could think of a single thing that's more isolating than being famous.

I loved the Army as an institution and loathed every single thing it required me to do.

I wouldn't change a single thing, because one change alters every moment that follows it.

I always find my emotions all over the map, not so much a single thing overriding the rest.

I just learned not to take a single thing for granted, and I think it just is extraordinary.

I don't remember a single thing in my childhood that was not related in some way to building.

I do know that I have to work hard for every single thing that I get, really hard, and that's okay.

I don't sit down to write a funny story. Every single thing I sit down to write is meant to be sad.

I never had a single thing handed to me. I had to fight for everything I wanted, like my education.

I never fantasized or invented a thing, not one thing. I knew every single thing I ever wrote about.

The single thing all women need in the world is inspiration, and inspiration comes from storytelling.

I'm not going to respond to every single thing that Donald Trump has to say or that Hillary Clinton says.

Bush is the Liberace of Cuban politics. He knows how to play us. He says every single thing they want to hear.

One of the most important things one can do in life is to brutally question every single thing you are taught.

The trouble for lots of politicians is they worry so much about everybody liking every single thing that they do.

When you have kids you sometimes have to do things you don't want to but every single thing I do is for my family.

The most challenging project I've ever done, I think, is every single thing I've ever tried to do. It's never easy.

Female-driven shows have to be every single thing and are constantly criticized in a way that male-driven shows are not.

For somebody who has injured their brain, every single thing they say and think will be the subject of their own questioning.

I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life - and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.

We must simply do every single thing in our power to protect our children from abuse and help them live healthy, prosperous lives.

It makes you not believe in anything, when you do every single thing you can do right, and then there's still some way to mess it up.

Every single thing that I was told that I couldn't do without a label - get in the charts, get on to the Radio 1 playlist - I've done.

This thinking that you can have every single thing you want in life is not the thinking of a feminist. It's the thinking of a toddler.

I've been pretty lucky. Every single thing I've done has meant so much to me and has been like a stepping stone to something different.

Game development combines all this disparate art stuff I'd been doing into one single thing that I could use to say very specific stuff.

If a reader comes across a story that makes them cry, you can be sure that the writer felt every single thing that makes the reader cry.

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