No pang that is suffered by man or woman upon the earth will be ...

No pang that is suffered by man or woman upon the earth will be without its compensating effect . . . if it be met with patience.

Everything has a cause.

Satire doesn't effect change.

Well I think effects are tools.

No effect of work can be eternal.

I begin by considering an effect.

I like the effect drink has on me.

That which two will, takes effect.

...I dabble in causes and effects.

It's all about the special effects.

Kindness effects more than severity.

I'm not a big fan of visual effects.

We're not the cause, we're the effect.

No action is without its side effects.

The mind is the effect, not the cause.

Do nothing for effect. Do it for truth.

As the cause is, so the effect will be.

Too much virtue has a corrupting effect.

I'm a big fan of the effects of alcohol.

Hiroshima had a profound effect upon me.

There is one basic cause of all effects.

See the effect of commercial intercourse.

The cause ceasing, the effect ceases also

Lofty designs must close in like effects.

Every person's every action has an effect.

If you want to effect change, start small.

love has a very dulling effect on the brain

All forced virtue is degrading in it effect.

A magic effect is never completely finished.

Elegance has a bad effect on my constitution.

You are the effect of your story, that's all.

Love and ahimsa are matchless in their effect.

Nature has the most powerfully healing effect.

Everything you do has some effect, some impact.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.

Magic is really performing special effects live.

I wouldn't want to do a whole movie with effects.

Got the domino effect In the front row passin out

The effects of color are controlled by intuition.

The thrill of doing visual effects doesn't exist.

I'd like to act in a film without special effects.

Happy is he who can trace effects to their causes.

Traffic is only one of the side effects of growth.

My tools are musicians, effects, things like that.

The cause is hidden; the effect is visible to all.

Dance has a transformative effect on bodily trauma.

There's a domino effect with certain things you say.

The income effects in an economy always sum to zero.

The daily work on special effects is fairly mundane.

I want my life to effect the balance to the positive.

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