Employers know the nature of people best.

I've urged employers to address workers' pain.

Time is the ultimate equal opportunity employer.

Democrats love employees, it's employers they hate.

Employers are like horses — they require management.

The weight of rages will press hard upon the employer

The UFC are my employers, so they have to come first.

Domestic employees are at the whim of their employers.

No mandatory prison term for employers who hire illegals.

God is the one great employer, thinker, planner, supervisor.

A good butler should save his employer's life at least once a day.

I like to joke that Inhofe is as far left as I'll go for an employer.

Employers love cheap labor, but a country should train its own people.

I've urged employers to address ergonomics and adopt ergonomics measures.

Too many employers have said that they are unable to find skilled workers.

Employers and employees alike have learned that in union there is strength.

Labor can and will become its own employer through co-operative association.

An MP is the only job where you have 70,000 employers, and only one employee.

I have proposed maternity leave for mothers whose employers do not provide it.

Apparently I lack some particular perversion which today's employer is seeking.

Laboring men can perform for themselves the office of becoming their own employers.

Instead of the question "What must I do for my employer?" substitute "What can I do"

My constituents are my employers - if I let them down I should be accountable to them.

Employers ganging up against workers is like raising an army of elephants against ants.

Nothing is more dangerous than a poor doctor: not even a poor employer or a poor landlord.

Black employers are just as negative as the white employers concerning inner-city workers.

Trust and mutual value creation helps both employer and employee compete in the marketplace.

The better a work environment is, the better it is for the employer - not just the employee.

I hope I will be remembered as a good father and a fair employer. And a good host, of course!

We need an employer verification system that works so that we can hold employers accountable.

Most employers just aren't willing to look beyond the dumbest or worst thing someone has done.

When times are bad, the gloves come off and employers are less nice. People become disposable.

When I won medals, I think I was doing something for my employers also. I am making them proud.

No employer is going to hire robustly until they know what the health care cost is going to be.

Employers are not prohibited from practicing sex discrimination in hiring and promoting employees.

I have always been fully persuaded that, through co-operation, labor could become its own employer.

The costermongers' boys will, I am informed, cheat their employers, but they do not steal from them.

When we're done with employer-based health insurance, it will have as much life in it as Jimmy Hoffa.

Sanctions and workfare make it easier for employers to impose insecure practices on desperate people.

Our employers today face numerous challenges and stiff competition from businesses all over the world.

The way you personally communicate is 90 per cent of how you will be evaluated by any future employer.

The workingmen have been exploited all the way up and down the line by employers, landlords, everybody.

If you were your own employer, would you be entirely satisfied with the day’s work you have done today?

I don't believe that employers should have access to an employee's private passwords, including Facebook.

If you don't have collective agreements between unions and employers, governments have to legislate more.

You can force students to learn, to a certain extent, but students aren't happy and employers aren't happy.

What every employer is looking for is not someone who can do the job, but someone who can reinvent the job.

No strike could ever be won with a Communist at its head since the employers would make victory impossible.

Social media is the future, with employers recognizing they need to start hiring people with the right skills.

I know very well what it is to be out of work and to be cheated by employers and I know what it is to be an employer.

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