Not enough people in this world are happy.

You have enough people against you... be for yourself.

Enough people like me. Enough to let me sleep at night.

If you do anything long enough, people can't ignore you anymore.

What's a cult? It just means not enough people to make a minority.

Enough people write about me every day without even interviewing me.

There are not enough people out talking about the President positively.

Julius Eastman is the kind of American genius not enough people know about.

Not enough people enjoy working with color, which delights and inspires me.

If enough people would come out the right wing, the extremists couldn't dominate.

I've got enough people hoping I'll fail that I need to be smart with my business.

Ultimately, change will happen when problems persist and enough people are concerned.

Listening to medical facts was not enough. People wanted one hundred percent guarantees.

Not enough people know what Lyme disease is and the dangers of being bitten by an insect.

I think #OscarsSoWhite is about there not truly being enough people of color represented.

If I say I'm rich enough times and enough people say it back to me, I gotta be rich, right?

When the story is good enough, people can watch something three times the length of an opera.

I love going on other people's podcasts - in my opinion not enough people ask me to be guests!

I feel like on 'Free TC,' you know, I feel like I went hard, and not enough people recognized.

As adults, we do know more, but we don't know enough. People can be very unthinkingly callous.

There's not enough people being daring and different. There are a lot of followers in hip-hop.

Frost isn't exactly despised but not enough people have worked out what a brilliant poet he was.

There aren't enough people out there that are becoming experts in technology as technology moves.

There aren't enough people who are scaring the kind of people who work at these record companies.

I graduated with a class of 35 people. We had basically just enough people to actually have a play.

I don't think my husband has any plans to pen his memoirs. There are enough people doing that for him.

Not enough people in this world, I think, carry a cosmic perspective with them. It could be life-changing.

Enough people have now mentioned Bill Nye the Science Guy to me that I now desperately avoid it all costs.

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

The reason why books endure is because there are enough people who like them. It's the only reason why books last.

I gotta do what I think is right, and if enough people like it, I'm a winner. And if they don't, I'll open a bookstore.

I mean, there's enough people who have a job for years and are not good at it, so you should be skilled at what you do.

It has very little to do with my work, but if your image is not sexy enough, people won't listen. It's part of the game.

Hairdressing in general hasn't been given the kudos it deserves. It's not recognised by enough people as a worthy craft.

It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that.

You get enough people agreeing in consciousness that Mexico is a dangerous place, and that dangerous thought will make it so.

I like my parents but they are just not good parents. They are nice enough people. I'm not interested in hurting their feelings.

I think people are interesting enough. People with mental illness, or just real people going through real circumstances in life.

If enough people think of a thing and work hard enough at it, I guess it's pretty nearly bound to happen, wind and weather permitting.

Ours is a country where anything can be accomplished if enough people get angry... because, in America, we act on our collective anger.

The whole idea of our government is this: If enough people get together and act in concert, they can take something and not pay for it.

When enough people care about autism or diabetes or global warming, it helps everyone, even if only a tiny fraction actively participate.

I am not sure if India is the right place to promote such music. I don't think there are still enough people who listen to English songs.

We've ignored audiences all these years. We've just amused ourselves and hoped enough people would want to eavesdrop to make it all viable.

Someone said I wasn't attractive enough. People say those things, but they make you stronger. Then you can win an Emmy and think, ha, ha, ha.

I'd like to improve on running plays. I want to see if I can hurt some more people. To me, I don't think I'm out there hurting enough people.

We want enough people adopting Bitcoin for a robust infrastructure. It's an act of patriotism. It gives the country a robust parallel system.

I've always been very grateful that enough people have enjoyed reading what I've written that I've been able to pursue writing professionally.

Good intentions aren't enough. People have good intentions when they set a goal to do something, but then they miss a deadline or other milestone.

I don't think enough people admit that there's just something fun about being in front of people. And that's not a self-centered, egotistical thing.

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