I watch ESPN all day long.

It's almost like we have ESPN.

You beat Cancer by how you live.

I really like ESPN. They do a great job.

I have such respect for the guys at ESPN.

ESPN is a great organization to work for.

Disney hovers over every decision at ESPN.

The new moron in town is Chad Ford of ESPN.com.

ESPN is a very anchor-driven network, which I love.

I don't watch much ESPN. Unless they have soccer on.

You can't buy the loyalty that ESPN has showed to me.

ESPN has so many characters, it's like 'The Simpsons.'

I love my life. I love this ESPN thing; it's been fun.

Yeah I got game like Stuart Scott...fresh out the ESPN shop

Cup stacking on an ESPN highlight? That's pretty messed up.

I didn't have cable growing up. I never saw ESPN or GameDay.

ESPN puts out anything for clicks now, it kind of seems like.

I'm thinking about being the best I can be at ESPN in the studio.

Oh, I still get a little anxiety when I'm doing NFL live for ESPN.

I don't enjoy doing nothing or sitting in my trailer watching ESPN.

We at ESPN like competition. It makes us better. It makes us sharper.

And then ESPN fired me. I did not think that was a fitting punishment.

I'm in talk radio. A story breaks, I need an opinion. I'm not ESPN News.

I wanted to leave ESPN when control of 'The Undefeated' was taken from me.

This media era is amazing. Twitter, Facebook, ESPN, news outlets everywhere.

Staying connected to the game and working for ESPN are very meaningful to me.

Seriously, until I was 16 or 17, I didn't care about anything other than ESPN.

It is hard to put into words how grateful I am to continue my career with ESPN.

ESPN wants to scrutinize everyone, but if they're scrutinized, they run and hide.

My father took me to a lot of sports events as a child, and our TV stayed on ESPN.

I'm never going to be on ESPN, probably. I've burned too many bridges. That's fine.

Brand matters. And ESPN is, by far, the most popular sports brand. People trust ESPN.

I don't watch ESPN, don't listen to the radio. I just go home and deal with my family.

I'm not an agate type ESPN Sports Center highlight, in-your-face kind of a sports fan.

I started 20 years without missing a race and ESPN started broadcasting on the air waves.

ESPN takes itself very seriously, but for some reason, I'm allowed to be the court jester.

The culture at ESPN, I found when I left, isn't the same as when I came. It wasn't as much fun.

I look at the artists as mini media companies, like if Beyonce is ESPN and Lady Gaga is Discovery.

Am I mad about Deflategate? I feel like I'm on ESPN with that question... Yeah, yeah, I'm kind of mad.

Even as voters, we try to keep up with the guys as much as possible, mainly through television or ESPN.

ESPN is a very, very good operation, and it's a gold mine. It's an even bigger gold mine than Fox News.

When I was at ESPN, I would say in April, 'We should be doing something on the NFL,' and they laughed at me.

I didn't view myself as attacking the boss. I viewed my boss at ESPN as the publisher and president of ESPN.

If ESPN ever kicked me out the door and I had to get back to coach, I have to stay on top of what's going on.

I watch ESPN all day. If you come into my trailer, ESPN is on. That's the first thing I do when I leave the set.

I feel genuinely fortunate to work with so many friends and talented people at ESPN, who make every day such fun.

If something touches on the world of sports, ESPN has never told me that I cannot discuss a sports-related matter.

I reflect on my 30 years at ESPN and continue to count my blessings each time I walk on the 'College Gameday' set.

E! didn't like it when we'd make fun of clips from ESPN - they'd be like, 'That's sports! That's not our audience!'

Right before I left ESPN, someone suggested doing a NFL story in the spring. The person was laughed out of the room.

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