We do not mind establishing a long-term truce between us and you.

Media play a powerful role in establishing and perpetuating social norms.

The Iraqis need help establishing a government. We have to provide them with security.

We've given more resources. On housing, we are now establishing a regional housing pot.

Establishing goals is all right if you don't let them deprive you of interesting detours.

Western business people often don't get the importance of establishing human relationships.

There is nothing in the world more shameful than establishing one's self on lies and fables.

Football Beyond Borders is about learning, establishing new beliefs in an ability to succeed.

After establishing myself as politician I will take decision about my future in film industry.

Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.

Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.

Establishing the two Eids as official holidays will carry important practical and symbolic significance.

Defense of free markets is where we need to be when establishing a vision for national technology policy.

Establishing a friendship after divorce takes great effort and a lot of swallowing of your pride and ego.

You're telling the story, creating the sets, doing the lighting, the designing, and establishing the pace.

Of course the playing is important but writing and the establishing of what you are going for is prime too.

I think long term you can see Tesla establishing factories in Europe, in other parts of the U.S. and in Asia.

Preventing gender-based violence is critical to establishing safe, productive, and healthy workplaces for all.

In terms of establishing a connection between a therapist and a patient, that work needs to be done in person.

I don't run restaurants that are out of control. We are about establishing phenomenal footholdings with talent.

Establishing a 'livable wage' floor would immediately reduce the gap in average pay between American women and men.

The aim is to move from doing just action dramas to establishing myself as someone who can do family dramas as well.

The more history I learnt, the less interested I got in winning arguments and the more interested in establishing the truth.

Getting rid of the dictator is only a first step in establishing a free society. The dictatorship must also be disassembled.

Investment in education and economic prosperity is the best way to cure fanaticism and for establishing a just peace in the Middle East.

The Patriots do a great job of establishing a common rhetoric of working hard and working for the men that stand next to you on the field.

Most management systems have to do with establishing trust and getting people to cooperate. They're not really about expertise or science.

Hebrew in America has a bemusing past. The Puritans, out of scriptural piety, once dreamed of establishing Hebrew as the national language.

I would hope that maybe math teachers could use 'Prime Baby' as a way of establishing an emotional connection between students and numbers.

Establishing an equilibrium between the Islam of truth and Islam as an identity is one of the most difficult tasks of religious intellectuals.

It's one of my obsessions to come up with ways to reimagine establishing shots in new, non-boring ways. Shots that have energy and excitement.

Countless religious innovators over the years have played the game of establishing an identity for themselves by accentuating their otherness.

Instead of establishing facts, we have to overthrow errors; instead of ascertaining what is, we have to chase from our imaginations what is not.

For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships.

Music is given to us with the sole purpose of establishing an order in things, including, and particularly, the coordination between man and time.

Non-figurative art is created by establishing a dynamic rhythm of determinate mutual relations which excludes the formation of any particular form.

History creates comprehensibility primarily by arranging facts meaningfully and only in a very limited sense by establishing strict causal connections.

Space is not just going up and coming back down again. Space is getting into orbit and being there, living there, establishing a presence, a permanence.

My view... was that something could happen during the credits that could help the film, so that the establishing shots aren't carrying the total burden.

What I love is this idea of a wardrobe, the idea that we're establishing certain signatures and updating them, that a change in colour or fabric is enough.

Radical thought has inspired many of the great political and social reform movements in American history, from ending slavery to establishing the minimum wage.

Quantum mechanics broke the mold of the previous framework, classical mechanics, by establishing that the predictions of science are necessarily probabilistic.

America owes most of its social prejudices to the exaggerated religious opinions of the different sects which were so instrumental in establishing the colonies.

All the evidence shows that establishing the habit of voting as early as possible is a vital tool in making sure that it's maintained throughout people's lives.

I get bored with establishing shots of people getting out of cars and walking into buildings, getting into elevators and then 45 seconds later they have a line.

CDC is supporting community efforts by establishing competitive grants to support local programs to help individuals and families to get healthy and stay healthy.

Portsmouth has the honor, I believe, of establishing the first recorded pauper workhouse - though not in connection with her poets, as might naturally be supposed.

Institutions are better served by going direct to end users, establishing a channel for direct dialogue and feedback. It is a world of many to one, not one to many.

I hope that all new filmmakers see that the Internet and social media are helpful tools in establishing a fan base as well as being able to interact with your fans.

UFC has done a fantastic job of establishing the biggest leading brand in mixed martial arts. Years ago, many people didn't know what MMA was nor understand the sport.

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