Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles.

Hope means expectancy when things are otherwise hopeless.

Don't expect anything. Erase all life expectancies. Just live.

A thing which is not in esse but in apparent expectancy is regarded in law.

There will come an age when our average life expectancy will reach 200 years.

With His love, you can wake up every day with an attitude of faith and expectancy.

The life expectancy is much longer today than it was when Social Security was created.

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.

The life expectancy of a team is about eight months. Then the next year, it's a whole new team.

The average life expectancy of a celebrity is 20 years less than someone working in a coal mine.

Infant mortality and life expectancy are reasonable indicators of general well-being in a society.

Life expectancy is a statistical phenomenon. You could still be hit by the proverbial bus tomorrow.

We don't want to end up in a class war. We want everyone to have food, clean water, and a long life expectancy.

I don't feel that 40 is anything these days. Our life expectancy is so much greater that maybe 50 is the new 40.

The life expectancy of people going to Mars may be decreased by the higher level of radiation that they receive.

Ambition has to be joined with expectancy. A sense that you have a dream for yourself that you believe can happen.

I feel the life expectancy of a comedian is 30 seconds. If you don't hook an audience in half-a-minute, you're dead.

I think one of the important things that's happened in the course of the century is that life expectancy has doubled.

I'm a strong believer in modern medicine. I think it has its use in society. I think it adds longevity to our life expectancy.

Health-wise, I couldn't have said what my life expectancy would've been if I'd just carried on doing solid blocks of stand-up.

If I ever married, I know I would dread the daily sound of the key in the door and the casual expectancy of 'Hello! I'm home!'

We all have an expectancy of something, but who's to say it always goes that way? Nine times out of 10, life never goes that way.

The reality is that life expectancy has not improved for everyone. In fact, in some cases, life expectancy is actually decreasing.

In my own view, the life expectancy of Native Americans in the United States is one of the really great moral crises that we face.

In 1900, the average life expectancy of a US citizen was 48, so most menopausal women were dead, which is not a great place to be.

We've got to make sure our younger workers understand that as life expectancy increases, the retirement date for benefits increases also.

An actor's popularity is fleeting. His success has the life expectancy of a small boy who is about to look into a gas tank with a lighted match.

You can go to Old Trafford as Liverpool manager and get a draw, and it's not a bad result. At Celtic, there's an expectancy to win home and away.

Advances in science and medical research and public health policies have meant that life expectancy for Australians is one of the highest in the world.

Not by appointment do we meet delight Or joy; they heed not our expectancy; But round some corner of the streets of life they of a sudden greet us with a smile.

Most people understand life expectancy has changed since Social Security started in 1937 when folks lived to be 59 years old. Today, they live to be 77 years old.

For decades, life expectancy steadily rose in Britain: and then, suddenly, just as the Tories took power and imposed austerity, this improvement ground to a halt.

While more people are working later in life because of happy things like longer life expectancy, they are also doing so because of very sad things, like a lack of Social Security benefits or retirement plans.

It is clear that agriculture as we know it has experienced major changes within the life expectancy of most of us, and these changes have caused a major further deterioration of worldwide levels of nutrition.

Slowly, but with no doubt or hesitation whatever, and in something of a solemn expectancy, the two animals passed through the broken tumultuous water and moored their boat at the flowery margin of the island.

Latinas' life expectancies are relatively long. When a current retiree hits 65 and begins receiving her benefit check, she can expect to live another 22 years. That life expectancy is higher than white women or men.

More people with HIV/Aids are getting inexpensive anti-retroviral drugs, and their life expectancy has increased, but universal access is still far off, and the disease is still spreading, if more slowly than before.

It was important for me, when I left a club like Liverpool, to one, have a breather, but then my next job, I needed pressure. And there's a pressure at Celtic. It's a huge club; there's an expectancy to win every game.

As life expectancy extends beyond 80 years in some parts of the world, more people are struggling with brain diseases. For older people, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other conditions become a major impediment to quality of life.

More retirees, longer life expectancy, larger benefits, and fewer workers - these trends have meant substantial increases in the payroll tax. Since the social security program began, the payroll tax has increased more than 500 percent.

The older you are when you buy an annuity, the shorter your life expectancy will be - so the greater a monthly paycheck the same sum of money will buy you. When interest rates are higher, the size of the paycheck for the same sum of money will rise also.

Because of lower life expectancy in Scotland - something that we are working hard to improve - the average woman will get £11,000 less in pension payments than counterparts in the rest of the U.K., even though she will pay exactly the same in contributions.

The 'find it, fix it 'model of medicine doesn't work any more. The U.S. healthcare system is bankrupting the country, bankrolling the insurance companies and exhausting healthcare staff. And despite all that, we are ranked 50th in the world for life expectancy.

You know, the dirty secret in the Director's Guild is that the average life expectancy of Director's Guild members is 57 years old. The stress level is so high and directors are generally really out of shape, cause they sit in the chair and they eat craft service.

Everyone eats all kinds of food in Kerala. Kerala is one of the states where life span is the highest; and lifespan is closely linked to food habits. In Kerala, people are generally non-vegetarians. If it was bad for health, life expectancy would not have been so good.

Not everybody will get a chance to play in this league. You know, there's a transition rate of about 300 guys a year, that come into the league and leave the league. So the average career expectancy is a little bit under four years, so that doesn't mean you're gonna play forever.

Life expectancy in many parts of Africa can be something around the age of thirty five to thirty eight. I mean you're very fortunate if you live to that age. In fact when I went to Uganda for the first time one of the things that occurred to me was that I saw very few elderly people.

I think we have to keep working enormously hard to see that every single Indigenous child - every Australian child - has true equality of opportunity. We've got to work harder at it. I think, you know, the heartland issue for us is the gap; the gap in life expectancy in this country.

The greatest stain upon this great Australian nation's character, without any question, is the great gaps that exist between our Aboriginal brothers and sisters in terms of their health, their education, their living conditions, their incarceration rates and life expectancy. It's a great stain.

Research shows that if patients believe they are taking the real drug, they are more confident of improving and, so, improve even if they are actually on the placebo. Conversely, if they suspect they are taking the placebo, their expectancy of improvement declines, and so does their improvement.

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