I grew up on a farm.

Everything is work on the farm.

What is a farm but a mute gospel?

On a farm, you can get very bored.

Farm to table is a personal choice.

I grew up on a dairy and beef farm.

I worked on a farm for a little bit.

Farm jobs are not a bargaining chip.

I love the farm, I love growing stuff.

I'm from a small farm town in Indiana!

I've always wanted to run my horse farm.

I was born and raised up in a small farm.

Do we need farm program reform? Absolutely.

Always farm fresh eggs, never store bought.

We have nine hungry Rottweilers on the farm.

My mom's side of the family was farm workers.

I came from a dirt farm, now I'm filthy rich.

When you grow up on a farm, you grow up fast.

I ain't gonna work on YouTube's farm no more.

My work ethic is, I think, from my farm life.

I'm from a small town, a farm, a hundred acres.

A farm bill in Washington State is a jobs bill.

I've always built furniture and done farm work.

I've got a farm in England where I breed horses.

I have spent my life reassembling the family farm.

I'd love to have a farm and some space for my kids.

I got more out of the farm than Harvard Business School.

I'm a blue-collar kid from Colorado. I grew up on a farm.

I have memories of being on the farm with my grandfather.

I'm animal obsessed! I basically have a farm in my house.

I'm a farm boy from Connecticut, and I adopted urban life.

It has long been a childhood dream of mine to have a farm.

I grew up on a farm. We had 11 dogs and, like, 1,500 cattle.

I grew up on a farm playing backyard footie in my bare feet.

In the fall term of 1933-34 I was on my family farm in Maine.

I was introduced to country music around a campfire on a farm.

I produce schnapps on my farm but I'm not fond of drinking it.

I've removed legs from dogs on the bed of my truck on the farm.

What in the hell would they do with the farm program without us?

I grew up on a farm, and I had good, natural South Tyrolean food.

I would hate to live in the country, unless I was living on a farm.

I have a happy temperament: a bit like 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.'

The small family farm is dying; people's lives are being dislocated.

My favorite book of all time is Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons.

I was raised on a little farm about 12 miles out of Portsmouth, Ohio.

There is no law for farm labor organizing, save the law of the jungle.

The simple hearth of the small farm is the true center of our universe.

My father was a farm boy who never learned to be holding and supportive.

Well, this would be nice if it worked out, but I'm not selling the farm.

I've had to put horses down on the farm before, and it's very, very sad.

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