Fox News is garbage.

I cannot afford to watch Fox News.

I am proud of the Fox News Channel.

I think that 'Fox News' is fair and balanced.

I think that Fox News is a bit schizophrenic.

It's funny, I never watch TV. I watch Fox News.

I feel like the Left wants to destroy Fox News.

There has to be news at a place called Fox News.

I am the host of 'The Next Revolution' on Fox News.

Fox News is a virtual public square for conservatives.

I would appear on Fox News more easily than I would NPR.

Can the president really blame Fox News for his problems?

We have a lot of interesting, talented women at Fox News.

In 2010, one in four Americans got the news from Fox News.

As long as Fox News continues to exist, you've got comedy.

So many people who criticize Fox News don't watch Fox News.

This country is a better place because Fox News has succeeded.

Misinformation is a virus unto itself. And Fox News is the vector.

(on fox news).... it's like watching a Disney movie about the news.

Attacking me and Fox News is nothing new - it's a cottage industry.

Shepard Smith has frequently been the lone voice of reason on Fox News.

I've been on MSNBC and CNN and Fox News. Not just Fox News, not just CNN.

I do watch a lot of Fox News. I like Charles Krauthammer and Bill O'Reilly.

Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change.

If Democrats don't go on Fox News, it doesn't mean that people stop watching.

If I'm going to turn on the television, it's going to be the Fox News channel.

What I think works for Fox News is we have a very direct form of communication.

'Fox News' will one day come to an end. Led Zeppelin will not. It's as simple as that.

Don't overstate Fox News. It's still much smaller than the least of the network niches.

Fox News is hated because they're elitists, and the worst winners television's ever seen.

I've come to expect the jabs at Fox News - because, being a liberal, I get more than most.

I'm afraid of my mother's paranoia. The more she watches Fox News, the more afraid she gets.

I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was.

It is well documented that Fox News has the audience demographics that other networks thirst for.

People realized that they could come on Fox News Sunday, and they would be well and fairly treated.

I know Fox News is the target of criticism but we take it in stride. Our No. 1 goal is to be accurate.

The Fox News cable channel is doing very well because there is a market for what Fox News has to offer.

ESPN is a very, very good operation, and it's a gold mine. It's an even bigger gold mine than Fox News.

Because I have an opinion, I have become public enemy number one to the Fox News Channel and the right wing.

Sarah Palin made her debut as a Fox News analyst. They finally found a job that she's not under-qualified for.

I read the 'New York Times,' 'USA Today,' the 'Union-Tribune,' then go online to Drudge, CNN, Fox News, blogs.

Honestly, I have had a very positive work environment and career at Fox News. I really like the people I work with.

We buy into all kinds of lies that are sold to us from advertising to Fox news or from the Vatican to Goldman Sachs.

There are a lot of folks at Fox News who bring a certain level of sophistication to their understanding of politics.

I'm not a fan of Fox News. They do more to pervert the truth in this country than most organizations that I know of.

I love working for Fox News, and I feel like I play for the Yankees every day. I'm with the best lineup in the business.

Critics of Fox News have pointed out that Fox News does partisan propaganda, and there's ample evidence on a daily basis.

I don't even watch Fox News usually in the prime time hours because I'm home with my kids and that's more important to me.

The leaders of Fox News will never say this out loud, but they believe that their media empire is bigger than President Trump.

I still quite enjoy watching Fox News because I think it makes me think through my arguments and make sure I'm on the right side.

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