I love that my friends are all freaks.

I'm a historian, and that freaks me out.

I am a longtime fan of 'Freaks and Geeks'.

Every day I do something that freaks me out.

I feel like most creative people are total freaks.

I loved 'Freaks and Geeks.' I don't know a better show.

I play music all the time because silence freaks me out.

My first acting role as a kid was on 'Freaks and Geeks.'

When I start thinking about the future it freaks me out.

We hire people who are freaks. They don't have social lives.

I have to say, sushi freaks me out more than almost anything.

I'm not one of those freaks who can't see anything past 1977.

Spiders - the way they move freaks me out. It's so malevolent.

I don't like thinking too much about the future - it freaks me out.

I'm not a household name; I'm just a household name to guitar freaks.

I remember being unbelievable bummed when 'Freaks and Geeks' was canceled.

I'm double-jointed. I can put my legs over my head, which freaks people out.

'Freaks and Geeks' was a show where our individuality was really celebrated.

I've been going to the same dermatologist since I was on 'Freaks and Geeks.'

If all I ever wrote about was inner city freaks, I think it would be dishonest.

I like 'My So-Called Life' and the 'Riot Grrl Movement' and 'Freaks and Geeks.'

Twitter freaks me out. You have followers? It feels so obsessive and proprietary.

To have a sort of career in music still kind of freaks me out every now and then.

That freaks me out more than anything, the repercussions of success in this industry.

As a professional skateboarder, I can't look at anyone getting hurt - it freaks me out.

I can't watch scary movies right now, because living on my own, it kind of freaks me out.

Our culture is in moral chaos. On TV we celebrate freaks instead of honest, decent people.

Jesus was not born on December 25th. There's carbon evidence of it. That freaks people out.

I'm not very good at staying up late and drinking or any of that stuff. It sort of freaks me out.

Just as London is not one endless afternoon tea, L.A. isn't all super-fit, health food-crazy freaks.

I'll watch the Grammys and think, 'You hardly even see people playing guitar,' and it freaks me out.

We filmmakers are control freaks. For us, it's about bending the elements of a story into existence.

The sicker mother got, the stranger the people surrounding her became. I called them The Garland Freaks.

If you go looking for loonies and religious fanatics and dropouts and freaks, I dare say you'll find it.

I'm a '70s mom, and my daughter is a '90s mom. I know a lot of women my age who are real computer freaks.

Fame freaks me out. Do you just wake up different? I don't know how to scale it back if it gets too crazy.

Actors are sensitive freaks, but it amazes me that it is something that I haven't improved on over the years.

I've heard stories of people meeting the loves of their lives online, and that's great. But it freaks me out.

So often when you meet child actors, they're weird - they're freaks. No, I mean it, they're really odd people.

I think the world is a place for oddballs and freaks. I'm only interested in oddballs and freaks as characters.

'Out There' has more of a 'Freaks And Geeks' feel to it, while 'Gravity Falls' has more of a 'Scooby Doo' feel.

For some reason, the word 'feminist' freaks people out, but when you look it up, all it means is equal opportunity.

I love watching documentaries on people like 'clean freaks,' because it's just so interesting to me for some reason.

'Eight-Legged Freaks' runs out of gas scarily fast - its one-joke premise lends itself more to a short than a feature.

I hate the sound of my voice. I can hear it from a mile away - it's nasally. Why do I talk like that? It freaks me out!

Another thing that freaks me out is time. Time is like a book. You have a beginning, a middle and an end. It's just a cycle.

There's a hell of a lot of freedom in this rock and roll circus... it's where all the freaks go - it's the environment for me.

I just don't like getting scared, like when people hide and jump out of places. That totally freaks me out. I'm not a fan of it.

Improv Olympics, Second City are some of the most tolerant, accepting people. They're like circus folk. They're freaks themselves.

Like the 'test tube babies' born of in vitro fertilization, cloned children need not be identifiable, much less freaks or outcasts.

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