'Friday Night Lights' was an incredible show.

Making food is a wonderful way to spend a Friday night.

If you've seen 'Friday Night Lights' - that was just like my town.

Friday night is our date night. We really carve out time for each other.

When 'Friday Night Lights' finished, I cried for a day. I have a problem.

If it comes back, I think that Friday night is not a good night to be on.

Right after 'Friday Night Lights' ended, I was in sort of an existential crisis.

'Friday Night Lights' was never a break-out hit; I'll never regret doing that show.

'Last Friday Night'... I just heard a song, and I just liked Katy Perry ever since.

I love tuning into Radio 1 on a Friday night after training and hearing the new stuff.

I played with a band in Austin when I was doing 'Friday Night Lights.' It was a blast.

I, myself, don't like to see a film on Friday night and then forget it by the next day.

I don't watch TV series, but I watched 'Friday Night Lights' because I'm a sports head.

'Until Friday Night' is the first book in my new young adult series, 'The Field Party.'

I do like escapism. I like going to the movies on a Friday night and seeing something fun.

You can be in Shanghai on a Thursday, London on Friday, and in bed at home by Friday night.

Wednesday a junior came to me, and told me I was to be hazed as I left the Opera House Friday night.

With 'Friday Night Lights,' we were encouraged to make it our own and improvise as much as we wanted.

If you decide to go clubbing on a Friday night, and you're home before two A.M., you're not a man's man.

I loved having Indian take-aways on a Friday night in Liverpool, but it's so different in the real India.

Contrary to what the fans may think, you don't just show up, wear a striped shirt and a whistle on Friday night.

You listen to people that love you and you listen to people that you trust. Most of all, you listen to yourself.

I never watch anything live, I record all my programmes and have a real binge on a Friday night and watch them all.

Look, have whatever in your collection at home, but everybody needs a little Friday night. And really, that is Chic.

The frustrating thing about 'Friday Night Lights' is I know a lot more people would respond to the show if they saw it.

Without getting too spiritual, God has done so much for me; the least I can do is drink Kiddush wine on a Friday night.

There are a lot of lonely people on the planet that have a lot of money in their pocket and no place to go on a Friday night.

I date, don't get me wrong. I'm not up here filing my fingernails on a Friday night. I want to find someone to share my life with.

Everyone from Pullman porters to hostesses at swank New York parties will tell me they always watch 'Miss Brooks' on Friday night.

You have to make millions on Friday night, because there are another 600 films waiting behind you, with explosions and everything.

I need to have something else going on. I'm able to write a lot if I have an episode of 'Friday Night Lights' going on my computer.

'Beatriz' has been a slow burn; people are still finding the movie. It's actually similar to the first few years of 'Friday Night Lights.'

I am a late discoverer of 'Friday Night Lights.' I cry every episode at least once. I love to cry - happy, emotional tears. I just love it.

My brothers and I always did improv stuff in our basement with our friends; we're super nerds, and that was our way of spending a Friday night.

On a Friday night, I like to go out because my friends, who have been working normal hours, just want to let go after a stressful week at work.

I like to think I'm like the guy who goes to the office Christmas party Friday night, insults some people, but still has his job Monday morning.

My father was a great sympathizer of Ahad Ha'am. Every Friday night we would read Hebrew together, and often the reading was Ahad Ha'am's essays.

I'm not a person who would get up at 5 A.M. to write, but I could sacrifice my Friday night and just order in dinner, sit at home and get into it.

Just growing up on 'Friday Night Lights,' other dramas, that kind of shaped my childhood. The fact that I can have one talking about my life - it's insane.

I am rubbish at the gym. I prefer to exercise by moving around - it doesn't matter whether I am dancing on a Friday night or on my bike getting from A to B.

I'm a minimalist Jew, but on Friday night, I celebrate Shabbat. At sundown, we light candles, say the blessing, and I don't turn on my computer for 24 hours.

I like to be home on a Friday night. I don't go out. I don't go to clubs. It's not my thing. I sit at home with my glass of wine and watch hours of reality TV.

When it moved to Friday night it disappeared, when they find another show that can do what The Simpsons does, they will be delighted to do cancel The Simpsons.

I understand what's it like to work all week and on Friday night just want to go and leave your brain at the door, buy some popcorn and be thrilled by something.

The most frustrating thing to me is when I tell people I work on 'Friday Night Lights,' they'll say, 'Oh, I hear that's a really good show.' They never watched it.

I remember just weeping my way through the 'Friday Night Lights' finale with my best friend and just being so happy all the way through because it was so beautiful.

I didn't have any real art training, but when I was about twelve nad thirteen, another boy and I went to a sign painter's house every Friday night and took lessons.

I really try to get eight hours of sleep, and I really try not to go out after a Tuesday or Friday night show because I know I have a two-show day the following day.

In Massillon, you either hated football, or you loved it. On a Friday night in the fall, I don't know what anybody did if they weren't at, quote-unquote, 'The Game.'

I'm not one for going out on the town on Friday night, as I've never been a big drinker, so I like getting the rubbish jobs out of the way so we can enjoy our free time.

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