I want to be up front racing.

Never yawn in front of a lady.

Don't limp in front of the lame.

Keep you enemies in front of you.

Happiness is right in front of you.

I love to be in front of big galleries

It is never very crowded at the front.

My phone is always in front of me, 24/7.

I'm on the front line and I am a rapper.

Even in front of nature one must compose.

The one in front of the gun lives forever

I don't like working in front of a camera.

I do not like being in front of the camera.

We have enormous challenges in front of us.

I pretend something scary is in front of me.

I'm terrified by speaking in front of people!

I can let my true self shine in front of God.

It is as if I can see my body in front of me.

Working in front of the camera keeps me alive.

Road's in front o' me, Nothin' to do but walk.

When you put a camera in front of me, I'm home.

I don't like acting; not in front of the camera.

I was forced to masturbate in front of teammates

What's in front of me is what's most interesting.

We need education across the board on all fronts.

I don't even like to be naked in front of myself!

Your life is what you see in front of you. -An-mei

I do not paint in front of but from within nature.

I have never been comfortable being the front man.

Simon would not want to audition in front of Simon.

If you're not at the front, you're not in the race.

I am not altogether displeased with the shirt-front.

I don't spend most of my life in front of the media.

We all lie to each other, present some sort of front.

Lying is before you and the grave is in front of you.

Lead from the front - but don t leave your base behind.

What I wasn't used to was being in front of the camera.

I've hurt you. I've loved you. I've mowed the front yard.

I read whatever is put in front of me. I gobble up books.

All the bands I've played with have had dynamic front men.

I think it's unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.

The future is not out there in front of us, but inside us.

Ministry is simply about loving the person in front of you.

If you can't say it to me in front of my kids, don't say it.

How hard I find it to see what is right in front of my eyes!

We should open our eyes, see what's in front of us, and act.

Where I came from, sports were the only way to get out front.

Living fast where it's all about the money bags? Never front.

When you don't know what to do, do the thing in front of you.

California serves as our nation's cutting edge on many fronts.

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