I love getting dressed up.

I enjoy getting dressed as a Barbie doll.

The best part of a party is getting dressed to go.

Getting dressed, for me, is like a window to my soul.

Getting dressed was always the best part of every night.

I love getting dressed up doing the whole premiere look.

The fun of getting dressed is it's a creative experience.

Girls together getting dressed up can be really good fun.

I'll always be a party monster. I'll always love getting dressed up.

I love getting dressed up, but I want to be remembered for my singing.

I'll spend more time getting dressed than I spent at the actual event.

I love getting dressed up in a suit because I don't do it all the time.

I love getting dressed up and having someone do my make-up and feeling pretty.

I do love getting dressed up, but sometimes it's glam and edgy mixed together.

I reckon I'm in pyjamas 70 per cent of my life. But I do love getting dressed up, too.

During the day I pull on jeans and ballet flats; but I do love getting dressed up, too.

I really hate the duties of being a celebrity, like getting dressed up for the red carpet.

I've always liked playing with makeup. It's fun. I love going places and getting dressed up.

I love getting dressed up and glamorous for the red carpet. It makes me feel powerful and sexy!

I hate wasting time getting dressed. I like to put something on and just think, 'Yes. That's it.'

I love looking through magazines, and you know, I love getting dressed up to go to events and stuff.

I'm probably one of the most fearful persons in the world, but not when it comes to getting dressed.

I love getting dressed in New York - I feel so much more confident wearing things that are a little bit crazy.

I love clothes, but I don't know what to put on myself, let alone others. I have a lot of help getting dressed.

I find it alarming that people are so convinced they're the best at anything - presenting, hairdressing, getting dressed.

My number one style requirement is to have fun getting dressed. Nothing is too old, expensive, cheap, cute or ugly for me.

I don't like getting dressed up. It's hard because as a woman, as an actor, the whole world wants you to enjoy dressing up.

Life excites me-just little, normal, everyday things. Getting out of bed. Getting dressed. Making food. I find it all exciting.

I don't want to be a silly temptress. I cannot see any sense in getting dressed up and doing nothing but tempting men in pictures.

I love costumes. I love getting dressed up because it really helps my imagination make the leap to believe that I am who I say I am.

My winter uniform is jeans, boots, and an oversize blazer for good measure. It's my formula for getting dressed in under 10 minutes.

Remember my first tenet in getting dressed is how you feel in the morning. So if you're not being true blue to that, it usually shows.

Part of my job is getting dressed up and having my picture taken and the best way of dealing with that is finding a way of enjoying it.

Once you're dating already, then you go to dinner. But I've never been on like a, 'I'm getting dressed up for a date. Pick you up at 7.'

I'm personally more of a low-maintenance type of person. I want things to be easy and quick, especially when it comes to getting dressed.

I don't overthink when I'm styling. I kind of forgive myself and accept that I will make mistakes. Getting dressed should be a fun experience!

I don't normally like getting dressed up, but when I go to events, I like to look put together. I've got to say, getting in a nice suit feels good.

After my first movie was released, my wife and I went Bouley. A fantastic meal. The whole thing, getting dressed up, acting very adult-y, a lot of fun.

I'm not getting dressed to make a scene or, like, 'Oh, look what Westbrook has on today!' If I like something, I'll put it on. I go to the game. That's how it is.

I love getting dressed up for red carpet events and having my hair and makeup done professionally - that definitely helps with nerves of going down the red carpet.

I really don't like getting dressed up. It's a lot more comfortable to be in some type of T-shirt or dry-fit shirt and shorts. That's pretty much my typical attire.

My favorite thing about doing photo shoots is just being able to have fun, meeting new people, getting dressed up, and I just love doing it. So, I have a lot of fun.

If you are a girl dressing up in the morning thinking about the whole world having a point of view on what you are wearing, it takes the pleasure out of getting dressed.

If I'm on the plane, I insist on being comfortable. I don't believe in getting dressed up to fly. There's no reason for that, especially when it's 16 hours to fly internationally.

A lot of mythology surrounds British inventor Geoffrey Pyke. He supposedly made people come to his bedside to see his designs because getting up and getting dressed took too long.

I love clothes, but when it comes down to actually getting dressed, I usually just wear ZARA sweatshirts, jeans and the same pair of boots I've had for seven years, every single day of my life.

I truly believe that getting dressed in the morning is about deciding who you want to be, what you're saying in the world, and how you want people to see you. It's so much more than superficial.

I love the entire ritual of getting dressed. When we do a fashion show, we try to send out a message; we couldn't do that without the hair and makeup. The whole is equal to the sum of its parts.

If I'm getting dressed up, I love Alice + Olivia, they have great pieces. I still look at all of the whowhatwhere.com and I read all of the fashion blogs. I'm working my way up to more grown up pieces.

Yes I'm a TV presenter and a mum and a wife and all those things, but as much as I love a duvet day with my family, I also like rockclimbing and getting dressed up for a glamorous evening now and then.

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