I'm a gigantic musical film fan.

Yes, America is gigantic, but a gigantic mistake.

As Latinos, we are many, and our geography is gigantic.

I've got a huge, gigantic deal. We're talking about huge deals.

The gigantic Gaul derided the Roman soldiers as a band of pigmies.

I feel gigantic affection for all of Homeland Security at airports.

I think there are movies that are so gigantic that you need a second unit.

There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.

Every single band in the world has these gigantic songs that people are obsessed with.

I have been a gigantic Rolling Stones fan since approximately the Spanish-American War.

I think it's safe to say that mass shootings pose a gigantic threat to national security.

All the arts in America are a gigantic racket run by unscrupulous men for unhealthy women.

I used to hate that my lips are gigantic, and now I have huge red clown lips, and I love it.

My father works for Xerox and fixes those gigantic copy machines that are about 10 feet wide.

To think that when they come out with these gigantic songs, it's pretty tough to top them, you know.

You have gigantic companies feeding off musicians and artists because the artists need the exposure.

The cloud is this gigantic computing vehicle that delivers computing services to every single industry.

India's waste problem is gigantic, and with its economy growing steadily, it will be compounded manifold.

Not many people get to play the lead character in a gigantic film and model for Ralph Lauren; it's amazing.

Our friends are happy with the CPEC project, while the enemy is quite unnerved due to this gigantic project.

Campaign ads are the backbone of American democracy if American democracy suffered a gigantic spinal injury.

Having children is life-changing, to state the obvious. It's a gigantic shift in your life and I welcomed it.

Transnational, gigantic industrial companies no longer operate within political systems, but rather above them.

Craigslist is not only gigantic in scale and totally resistant to business cooperation, it is also mostly free.

Ones reputation is like a shadow, it is gigantic when it precedes you, and a pigmy in proportion when it follows.

Baby Got Back' was already a reflection of what was going on. I didn't see it as this gigantic political statement.

Don't give me any money, don't give me any people, but give freedom, and I'll give you a movie that looks gigantic.

I was alone for five years. Having a love is a gigantic bonus in life, but I wasn't unhappy when I was single, either.

I prefer to have one gigantic laugh preceded by several smaller laughs rather than a bunch of medium laughs all along.

Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them, they will forgive us everything, even our gigantic intellects.

The reputation of a man is like his shadow, gigantic when it precedes him, and pigmy in its proportions when it follows.

When we first played Max's, people thought Cindy and I were drag queens - we wore these gigantic wigs that sort of his our faces.

The experience of the human, male or female, cannot be completely defined by one startling, surprising, or gigantic life experience.

It's not that my father didn't love me, it's just that he wasn't capable of consistently being there. His mood swings were gigantic.

I don't want to be the person who has the gigantic headlines: 'Look Who So-and-So Is Dating Now.' That, to me, isn't really who I am.

I would want the British reader to feel that religion in America isn't an absurd thing - a sign of a pin head athwart a gigantic body.

The gigantic tension before the shooting of an arrow, and the total relaxation seconds later, is my way of connecting to the universe.

It was the worst period of my life. I had all this gigantic acceptance as a kid, and all of a sudden there was this monumental rejection.

The Internet has turned the world into one gigantic linked community, capable of instantly sharing vast amounts of incorrect information.

I've been using the power of the IMAX medium, with its gigantic screens and supervivid pictures, to get people to fall in love with the ocean.

With his gigantic personality, my grandfather burst onto the great political panorama of that era made up only of little men with little ideas.

I have a gigantic ego and need to be at the top of the pile and be doing amazingly well; also, at the same time, I'm just pleased to be anywhere.

My parents were gigantic influences on me. I had a deep hunger to impress my father, who was a professor and an intellectual. I wanted his approval.

I have won this lottery. It's a gigantic lottery, and it's called Amazon.com. And I'm using my lottery winnings to push us a little further into space.

We have a whole industry which is gigantic: games. Games is very successful. It's its own art form, though, and it's not the same as a linear narrative.

If we look to the history of other nations, ancient or modern, we find no example of a growth so rapid, so gigantic, of a people so prosperous and happy.

When I was about 13 I realised girls weren't going to kiss me because I was a gigantic, weird looking creature from the depths. I was like 6 ft. aged 11.

Our systems, perhaps, are nothing more than an unconscious apology for our faults, a gigantic scaffolding whose object is to hide from us our favorite sin.

Sometimes it's about less is more. It's about the seed. Thinking about this gigantic tree that you think is so beautiful but it started with this just seed.

Peace is costly to the profits of the military/security complex. Washington's gigantic military and security interests are far more powerful than the peace lobby.

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