People feel good serving others.

I want people to feel good after I sing.

I want people to feel good about themselves.

People want to laugh. People want to feel good.

I feel fuzzy inside when I see good people make it.

Hats make people feel good, and that's the point of them.

People who produce good results feel good about themselves.

I really don't like hurting people; I like making people feel good.

People feel good about doing things with you if you're enthusiastic.

You get onstage and make other people feel happy. Make them feel good.

It makes you feel good to know that there's other people afflicted like you.

I like happy sets. Happy sets are good, and I think people feel comfortable on them.

To be known by the public, honestly. People come up and tell them how good I make them feel.

Last good pratfall I did, I broke bones in both hands. I still feel it when people shake my hand.

I feel like people have a lot of the same good times and the same interests pretty much anywhere.

People write negatives things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell.

People say I'm arrogant or cocky. You know what it is? I feel that I have a good chance to win ball games.

I feel like 'The Last Jedi' is a lot of things that people aren't going to expect, which I think is a good thing.

I just figure if it has my name on it, and I want to make people feel good about wearing it, I can't pass it off.

All good leaders are connectors. They relate well and make people feel confident about themselves and their leader.

Don't hang out with a bunch of people who drag you down when you can hang out with one person who makes you feel good.

I do feel that over the years from watching programmes that tell people 'you're not good enough,' I just don't like it.

I think people tend to feel odd when I do my act. Unless you are an ironic person, it's not a good place for you to be.

If anyone is ever rude to you, then there's no need to hang out with them! Just find the people that make you feel good.

We've played in the North and in the South, and it seems like the young people around America just want to feel good now.

Traditionally computers have not been that good at interacting with people in ways that people feel natural interacting with.

Italian wines don't have to be expensive to be good. It is absolutely ridiculous that people feel that have to spend a fortune.

I think one of my strengths is kind of knowing people and getting a good read and a feel for what that person's strengths might be.

I like to make other people feel good, and if receiving my autograph brings them a little bit of pleasure, then I'm so glad to do it.

I don't make big promises about losing weight or anything like that. I just suggest things that people can make to make them feel good.

I never thought about being the highest paid. I just wanted to be someone that people cared about watching, and I feel I'm a good actor.

I don't know why people feel popular actors avoid doing mytho shows. Aren't they also doing good? Sometimes such shows give you more fame.

People want to feel good about the choices they make. They want to know they're choosing material that's not going to harm the environment.

All cult leaders are very good at supplying people with what they want and are missing in their lives, so they feel loved and that they belong.

I generally find an affinity with a lot of the people I play and I suppose if I didn't feel an affinity for them then they wouldn't be particularly good performances.

I want to see young people in America feel the spirit of the 1960s and find a way to get in the way. To find a way to get in trouble. Good trouble, necessary trouble.

There's been people who've rapped and produced - like Kanye - but I don't feel like on the rapping side there's ever been a producer who can rap as good as I think I can rap.

You go overseas and people are oppressed and scared and worried but we're not like that... we're more like my films and how people come out at the end of seeing them - they feel good.

Most people feel that they are the heroes of their own lives and that they're good people. So if they're in a crisis, they feel an understandable urge to set out their own version of events.

I put a spell on people so they don't know they're working out... An enchanting spell, where they just don't think about it, or over think it, and then at the end they go, 'Wow, I feel good.'

People who suffer from anxiety are very good at hiding it. That can often be a contributor to the anxiety because the gap between the internal perception and the external impression can feel so large.

These people are headstrong and if they feel the curb loosed but one link they will with bit in the teeth in one month run further out of the career of good order than they will be brought back in three months.

There are many benefits to this process of listening. The first is that good listeners are created as people feel listened to. Listening is a reciprocal process - we become more attentive to others if they have attended to us.

I wanted to make something that reminded people of the way albums used to feel. I wanted something as good as the stuff put out by the Bomb Squad, or Dr. Dre and his production crew, or 'A Tribe Called Quest.' I miss albums like those.

Listen, talk, be respectful of people - and make sure that you have openness to where people are coming from. And you don't do anything that is unnecessarily antagonistic, that is only going to make you feel good because you've done it.

I know a lot of people feel pressure with their major label sophomore CD and having to follow up their first record real good. Well, we didn't have that pressure, because we have a real loyal fanbase, not a fanbase because we're on the radio, know what I mean?

Succeeding makes us feel good. But beating someone else makes us feel really good. Comparing ourselves to others and coming out on top creates a sense of entitlement. And when we feel entitled, we cheat more because, of course, the rules don't apply to awesome people like us.

With young people, it's how brassy and flashy can you be. But you get a bit older, it's about how restrained can you be. You have to feel it all, think it all, but you don't have to play it - it's just gotta be there, and if the story's good and the script's good, people will see it.

The most accurate representation of how I feel is that I'm incredibly lucky to be working in this structure where people get paid millions to read the news on TV. And, yes, it is insane. And there is nothing I can say beyond acknowledging my immense good fortune, and being aware that I'm blessed, and aware that it isn't going to last forever.

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