I'm a weird goofy dork.

I'm just a geeky, goofy person.

I'm kind of a goofy guy at heart.

I always feel like a goofy little kid.

It's not a bad typecast: the goofy guy.

I'm like a really goofy home ec teacher.

I'm goofy. I'm silly. I like to have fun.

I'm pretty goofy. I laugh at my own jokes.

I'm just a goofy, self-deprecating person.

"I was not alone when I was in Goofy hell"

Shaq is just a goofy dancer. He's just silly.

I love comedy; I'm very goofy and spontaneous.

I'm pretty goofy, I'll do anything for a laugh.

I'm usually cast by people who are oddly goofy.

I just was apologizing for maybe being a little goofy.

Im a little goofy sometimes; I can get a little wacky.

I'm a little goofy sometimes; I can get a little wacky.

I've been the same goofy guy I've been this whole time.

I'm goofy. I like to have fun. I'm always joking around.

I get to be goofy and quirky and sweet at the same time.

I be goofy, kinda funny. Acting stupid but they love me.

I'm usually cast for the more goofy and tomboyish characters.

I'm kind of like the goofy number-seven guy in a lot of movies.

I think that, ah, I'm a very goofy sort of person in many ways.

Anybody who knows me knows that I'm a goofy and fun-loving guy.

I had a good loud voice and I wasn't afraid to be goofy or zany.

I may be goofy, I may be corny, and I may be cheesy, but I'm me.

I've been 6'4" since I was 12. Goofy is somewhere in the lexicon.

They didn't really encourage my goofy, comedic side at Juilliard.

I've been 6'4'' since I was 12. Goofy is somewhere in the lexicon.

Nobody at fifteen wants anybody to see how goofy their parents are.

Our dog, Comet, is a Lab/poodle mix. She's goofy and silly and sweet.

I don't know how I look, but I know how I feel: Young. Goofy. Infinite.

Just because you're wearing a goofy hat doesn't make it performance art.

I can be serious, too, but I'm a goofy guy, so I like doing crazy things.

What I love about Goofy is the flesh on his cheeks. You can almost feel it.

Sometimes it was really hard maintaining composure. People were just goofy.

I'm incredibly inspired by the goofy edginess of teenagers and young people.

I love when we just let our hair down, get a little goofy and just be girls.

I think people are surprised to learn that Im pretty goofy and pretty funny.

I think people are surprised to learn that I'm pretty goofy and pretty funny.

My tutorial videos are educational, but they're goofy - I'm just being myself.

Every character I've played is goofy, but it has to have some type of reality.

I wanna do some more goofy comedy stuff; I really enjoyed doing 'A Touch of Cloth.'

It never dawned on me that I was sexy. I always thought of myself as the goofy kid.

I always thought I was sort of awkward and goofy-looking. I'm still kind of gangly.

I had a concussion I didn't get over for three years. I think that's why I'm goofy.

I'm a pretty goofy person. I'm an awkward dancer, for instance, and a terrible singer.

Everyone knows I'm sort of goofy. Some guys are really serious when they play. I'm not.

I'm a total goof. When I'm being really comfortable with my friends, I can be very goofy.

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