Sometimes pain is for the greater good.

We can overcome evil with greater good.

Greater good is just halfway back to Bad.

What is the greater good but tyranny’s chameleon?

You can make a good living while serving a greater good.

It's a rare opportunity when you can do something for the greater good.

My constant prayer for myself is to be used in service for the greater good.

The potential of greater good goes right along with the potential for greater evil.

There's nothing more dangerous than than someone trying to act for the greater good.

... the country deserves us to be willing to compromise on behalf of the greater good.

For the greater good, I thought I should be a spiritual leader for people for some reason.

To believe in 'the greater good' is to operate, necessarily, in a certain ethical suspension.

The military is a place of discipline, technical proficiency, and personal sacrifice for the greater good.

Every person who dedicates his or her life to something that belongs to the greater good is very meaningful.

Liberals genuinely believe that this country is about helping one another out and doing it for the greater good.

I'll do what I can to promote the greater good. If you can harm one person to save 1,000, I'm gonna do it every f**king time.

We need leaders who appeal to us to think about something other than narrow self-interest but instead focus upon the greater good.

I prefer to be refuted than to refute, for it is a greater good for oneself to be freed from the greatest evil than to free another.

We have a saying in my house, my kids and my girlfriend. We say, 'Be your best for the greater good, and rock out wherever you are.'

You can't expect every idea of yours to stick or even come to fruition, you have to make sacrifices for the greater good of the team.

The greater good is achieved by not only telling people what they need to know, but also filling them with a sense of empathy and love.

I do not believe that God tortures any person simply for its own sake. I believe that God enables all things to work for the greater good.

I authored the Universal National Service Act because I believe that everyone in America should contribute to the greater good of America.

People always choose self-preservation over the greater good, most of the time, with the belief that self-preservation is the greater good.

It sounds cliched, but superheroes can be lonely, vain, arrogant and proud. Often they overcome these human frailties for the greater good.

I like writing about people who spend their time trying to help others for the greater good. That's what Americans are supposed to be about, right?

There were lies we told to save ourselves, and then there were lies we told to rescue others. What counted more, the mistruth, or the greater good?

BYU I think had a philosophy of nameless, faceless athletes for the greater good of BYU which is fine. We all did our thing and we're grateful for it.

If you're a politician, you can see there might be times when, to secure the greater good, you have to take a backwards step. That is a matter of tactics.

Politics are about preserving relationships at the end of the day, and it has nothing to do with the greater good for humanity. It's just all about business.

My favorite part of the experience of serving in Congress is knowing that my time and effort are spent for the greater good and for the betterment of our nation.

Most of us entered journalism and joined 'news organizations' because we care about the greater good. We strive to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

In Bengal, at the state level, the Congress and Left are working with the BJP. At the national level, for the greater good, we feel we must work together in Parliament.

We need to and must protect privacy. But I think that people will be willing and even eager to share medical information about themselves for the greater good of mankind.

I found it an interesting portrait of a marriage in exploring notions of how one partner supports the other, whilst not jeopardizing the greater good - which is the family.

I'm a team player. I've, you know, played team sports my whole life, at least as a kid. And I believe that you have to subordinate yourself to the greater good of the team.

Everything we've ever done has been for artistry's sake, and for the greater good and paying homage to those who came before us and paving the way for those who come after us.

Good governance takes behavior that is negative or not helpful to the greater good of society, whether it's polluting behaviour, plastics, or whatever, and taxes the behaviour.

I think everything I've tried to do, whether or not it's come off that way immediately, is for the greater good. I'll take the jabs I need to in order to help us all in the long run.

Hurry, conscious younger people! Get to power quickly so political decisions can be based on the greater good for all rather than the greater gain for few. Hurry, before it is too late!

Once kids begin to realize that they are connected to a greater good and greater whole, then that will lessen the possibility that they will act out violently because it creates empathy.

When you have a celebrity status, people feel inspired by you people. They start to emulate what you are doing. So it inspires me as a celebrity to do something which is for greater good.

Not only is self-regulation largely a fantasy, but repeated scandals across multiple industries have proved that companies are fundamentally incapable of self-regulating for the greater good.

The God we serve does not seek out the perfect, but instead uses our imperfections and our shortcomings for his greater good. I am humbled by my own limitations. But where I am weak, He is strong.

If you want to experience joy in your life, you have to be able to step outside yourself and become part of a cause that is much larger than you; one that brings a greater good to a greater community.

If you don't live a life in service of a greater good, you've gotta at least die a death in service of a greater good, you know? And I fear that I won't get either a life or a death that means anything.

Working with Operation Smile is a completely life-altering experience. It is truly inspiring to be a part of something with so many unique individuals who come together for the greater good of helping others.

I was 23. When you're 23, your concern is not for the greater good of humanity. I didn't feel like I was unleashing an evil on society or anything. At the time, that's what I was into, and I did a movie about it.

Creativity for the greater good is where I aspire to be, and I mean that on several levels: of course, working with worthy causes that need support but also not just contributing to the pollution of crap advertising.

We really can't tell the difference between people who might seek power for some greater good and people who seek power just to aggrandize themselves. For example, all revolutionaries say that they want to uplift the downtrodden.

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