There's so much grey to every story - nothing is so black and white.

I used to be grumpy. I am no more. I am old now. See my grey beards.

I got 'The Grey' made because Liam Neeson wanted to make that movie.

Patrick Dempsey will forever be known as 'Grey's Anatomy''s McDreamy.

What's my expectation in the U.S.? I would like to replace Grey Goose.

Sometimes, I wake up and the skies are grey and everything's horrible.

Women who make the choice to have grey hair - I think that's beautiful.

Disney has made $2 billion on 'Grey's Anatomy.' I don't have $2 billion.

Like Picasso, I go through blue periods, green periods, or grey periods.

'Grey's' is one of those shows... that's been able to ride so many waves.

She was young and very beautiful, but pale, like the grey pallor of death.

I try to keep myself young as possible. I vow to never let my hair go grey.

I miss a lot about England when I'm working away, even the slate grey skies.

There are infinite shades of grey. Writing often appears so black and white.

When I was 15, I was naive, looked like a grey mouse and felt second choice.

When I joined 'Kumkum,' I was excited because the character had grey shades.

The beauty about the 'Mahabharat' is that every character has shades of grey.

People think that everyone wears black in France; in fact they all wear grey.

'Grey's' has this universal, global thing to it. It works all over the world.

Just because you watch 'Grey's Anatomy' doesn't mean you can do the operation.

You are always learning; there is a lot of grey; don't take things for granted.

Before 'Grey's Anatomy,' I was doing musicals, plays, commercials, you name it.

Grey is a colour that always seems on the eve of changing to some other colour.

Frank Castle knows only two sides: Good and Evil. There is no grey zone for him.

Sometimes I worry I'm writing 'Fifty Shades of Grey' for teenagers, but I'm not.

I went grey at 12, my eyesight went at 17. I've been a crock from very early on.

I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog.

All I want is beautiful. I mean, I like grey hair, I love wrinkles. But this is me.

I'm not worried about wrinkles on my cheeks, or going grey. I'm not trying to be 20.

With my grey hair and workaholic attitude, I can't imagine being hot by any standard.

I have a few grey hairs. I dye them. I don't let them show when I'm reading the news.

Even when I'm old and grey, I won't be able to play it, but I'll still love the game.

Soldiers are citizens of death's grey land, drawing no dividend from time's tomorrows.

In the first band I was ever in, we all had to wear a matching grey suit. I hated that.

I had no fake ID and looked 14 until my first grey hairs came in a couple of years ago.

My first job in advertising was actually in the mailroom of Grey Advertising in Sydney.

The world, that grey-bearded and wrinkled profligate, decrepit, without being venerable.

In theatre, I get comedy or nice lead roles. I don't understand a grey or negative role.

It is very easy to play a sweet girl-next-door but difficult to portray a grey character.

In 'Raabta' I've two personalities to project, and yes, there are distinct shades of grey.

I did Kodiveeran,' which had grey shades. Being an actress, I should try challenging roles.

I don't dig the candy floss and rosy kind of film subjects. Give me anything dark and grey!

My uniform: grey suit, white shirt, grey tie and tie bar, grey cardigan and black wingtips.

I'm proud to say that I was that guy playing the character of Dr. Burke on 'Grey's Anatomy.'

Grey cloth coaxes the lime trees of friends shadowing berries dropped by the grateful earth.

My experience on 'Grey's Anatomy' is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

That's the Elektra I tried to portray: one that's always in the grey. She is a tortured soul.

I do the 'New York Times' crossword puzzle every morning to keep the old grey matter ticking.

I feel like I'm the only person - or woman, at least - who hasn't read 'Fifty Shades of Grey.

I feel like I'm the only person - or woman, at least - who hasn't read 'Fifty Shades of Grey.'

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