Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.

A new culture can only grow up in the soil of a purged humanity.

Acting never crossed my mind for a moment when I was growing up.

I think society had to grow up to the mentality of Peter Norman.

There's a real sense of desperation when you grow up in poverty.

We own the country we grow up in, or we are aliens and invaders.

Even though you're growing up, you should never stop having fun.

I did not grow up spoiled in any way. I just wanted to be on TV.

Being a complete juvenile delinquent helped me grow up a little.

The only thing worse than growing up is never quite learning how

The world is a violent child none of us will get to see grow up.

I was a nerd growing up, and I'm a little antisocial and awkward.

Rarely do members of the same family grow up under the same roof.

It's the children the world almost breaks who grow up to save it.

I didn't grow up eating meat - I was a vegetarian until I was 18.

It seems like once people grow up, they have no idea what's cool.

My parents divorced, and I didn't have much of a daddy growing up.

We grow up never questioning that which is unquestioned around us.

I think that growing up is something that you should do gradually.

Growing up, I didn't feel very cool having come from the Midlands.

Growing up, I spent a lot of time on film sets all over the world.

I hate that everyone calls it growing up, but it seems like DYING.

How could they let me grow up like that—happy and pink and stupid?

I'm from Canada, so I did a lot of camping and rafting growing up.

Well, I was obsessed with Judy Garland growing up. Like, obsessed.

Everybody knows it hurts to grow up...and we're still fighting it.

Growing up, I was the preferred hairstylist for all of my friends.

Souderton was a good town to grow up in. Everybody knew each other.

One has to grow up with good talk in order to form the habit of it.

Basically, I was a kid growing up with a single mother in Brooklyn.

Helpless lust and unreasoning anxiety were just part of growing up.

I've had to grow up with everyone watching me, which has been hard.

I played hockey in North Dakota growing up and watch a lot of that.

Growing up, I always wanted a dog, but my parents never wanted one.

Growing up, I always liked Catwoman and Superman; they inspired me.

My mother was a huge Steelers fan, so they were my team growing up.

I was so anxious to grow up, and now I'm wishing I was still a kid.

When you start acting as a child, you grow up ahead of your movies.

As I learned from growing up, you don't mess with your grandmother.

I suppose the point you grow up is the point you let the dreams go.

I love London, and it's a privilege for my children to grow up here.

I did martial arts and karate for eight years when I was growing up.

Growing up in Wales was a pretty Draconian experience with religion.

Everything will change. The only question is growing up or decaying.

When we grow up, we lose the talent for loving without restrictions.

L.A. Woman is amazing, but when I was growing up I was into the Who.

How do you know they're growing up? Well, the bite marks are higher.

From the time that you are a child, you grow up repressing yourself.

When I was growing up, hip-hop was still a pretty specialised thing.

Never try to grow up too fast, but don't linger in the child you were

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