Growing up in Canada, I dated a few ice hockey players.

I'm 36 years old, and I'm growing up. Little by little.

Life seemed so simple and joyous when I was growing up.

Im Russian Jewish. And I had to grow up really quickly.

Growing up in the streets of Bed-Stuy, it was hard, yo.

Growing older is mandatory, but growing up is optional.

Growing up, I was a nerd. With actual taped eyeglasses.

My love, growing up on the Prairies, was country music.

I will not have my son grow up in a tension-filled home.

Growing up in America is like being taught to be stupid.

Peyton was the best, my favorite quarterback growing up.

I might grow old in Brisbane, but I would never grow up.

I haven't had a lot of celebrities around me growing up.

Growing up, I lived a moderate lifestyle with my family.

Growing up, my brother and I were begging for attention.

I was a cheerleader growing up, so I can relate to that!

Mariah and Whitney Houston were my goddesses growing up.

I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer when I was growing up.

Growing up is hard, love. Otherwise everyone would do it.

Maybe staying single meant that you never had to grow up.

I was a ballerina for 10 years growing up, but I stopped.

Growing up, I never thought about the thing called money.

I overcame a lot of things, growing up, as everyone does.

Go West, young man, go West and grow up with the country.

You just grow up and learn to think instead of just feel.

My favorite wrestler growing up was The Ultimate Warrior.

Grow up and let anyone try to content with the adult you.

Adults need to have fun so children will want to grow up.

When I was a kid growing up, I used to watch 'DuckTales.'

I spent years growing up being told what my sexuality was.

It's the Peter Pan in me, I don't think I'll ever grow up.

My dad took me to loads of concerts when I was growing up.

Growing up, I was not used to good things happening to me.

I had bad skin growing up and I swear by oral supplements.

Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin.

Ours was not a political household, when I was growing up.

I was an Elvis freak. That's all I listened to growing up.

I still have a fantasy of being a musician when I grow up.

I was an escapee of childhood. I always wanted to grow up.

I've done a lot of growing up and realized a lot of things.

When you're green, your growing. When you're ripe, you rot.

When you're growing up, you want to feel part of something.

Growing up, I was a dancer. I wanted to be a choreographer.

No adult can bear a child’s burden or grow up in his stead.

Yeah I loved, as a kid growing up, I loved science-fiction.

I still think I'm going to do something else when I grow up

I don't grow up. In me is the small child of my early days.

Humans are born in truth, but we grow up believing in lies.

I am for an art that grows up not knowing it is art at all.

I think all kids are rebellious. It's a part of growing up.

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