I'm a big Aqua fan. "Barbie Girl" was a big deal growing up.

Peter Parker's storyline hits every key point of growing up.

It seems like the more you grow up the more you fear things.

I played football growing up in junior high and high school.

Stop worrying about growing old. And think about growing up.

Every little kid wants to grow up to be a cowboy, and I did.

Are you the adult that you want your child to grow up to be?

I think the arts are very important for children growing up.

I never really saw [my father] at all when I was growing up.

I didn't get to play many video games when I was growing up.

I'm not a person who particularly had heros when growing up.

I didn't watch a lot of TV growing up; I watched more films.

I just didn't work that much while the kids were growing up.

I just like being a kid. I enjoy it, I don't want to grow up.

I have a daughter, and fairies meant a lot to her growing up.

I love Wayne, I respect his talent. I've watched him grow up.

Growing up in a Mennonite background, there's not much media.

I read Michael Caine's biography. It was about him growing up

I make mistakes growing up. I'm not perfect; I'm not a robot.

Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from Friends.

I got to grow up with a mother who taught me to believe in me.

Growing up, I always wanted to be a singer, and Ive done that.

Well, I just want him to grow up happy. That's the main thing.

You get used to sadness, growing up in the mountains, I guess.

There is a method in man's wickedness; it grows up by degrees.

Growing up poor, I didn't even have a lunch to take to school.

Growing up, my ideals were Barbra Streisand, Cher, and my mom.

Growing up, I wanted desperately to please, to be a good girl.

Growing up, I wanted straight hair so bad, like Justin Bieber.

Growing up is scary because it happens without you knowing it.

Growing up is not being so dead-set on making everybody happy.

You grow up the day you have the first real laugh at yourself.

My parents wanted me to grow up around horses and open spaces.

I never even watched football growing up. I just play the game.

Don't be too eager to grow up. It ain't as much fun as it looks

What interests me is what children go through while growing up.

I want to grow up as an actress and as a woman. Be independent.

I probably wouldn't be acting if I didn't grow up in Hollywood.

Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from 'Friends.'

I did not want to be a Champion growing up, just a fast skater.

Will you never grow up?" "I doubt it, and I certainly hope not.

Well, growing up in the '90s, my first true love was ska music.

Im all about small towns. I think its a great place to grow up.

Parenting is not for sissies. You have to sacrifice and grow up

Ideas are like beards; men do not have them until they grow up.

I didn't spend much time with my parents when I was growing up.

Growing up in Michigan was fine...until I realized where I was.

The trick is, when you grow up, find work that feels like play.

Some children have the most disagreeable way of getting grown-up

That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up.

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