I hate people who 'gaze rape' me.

I'm too insecure to have people hate me.

I hate when people send me LinkedIn requests.

I hate when people use my tactics against me.

People try constantly to use me, and I hate it.

I hate conforming to what people expect me to do.

I hate it when people come up to me when I'm eating.

I hate people who over intellectualize. It bores me deeply.

I like to tease people. I hate when people do it to me, though.

People would really hate playing against me if I could touch them.

I just assume a lot of people hate me. You just have to suck it up.

People have finally appreciated me for my performance in 'Hate Story 3.'

I hate being helpless, and I hate having to ask people to do things for me.

I sold a million books because I have a lot of fans, not because people hate me.

One thing I hate is people screaming at me. If you want me to do something, talk to me.

When people approach me about my films it is usually to tell me how much they hate them.

In New York all the young people know me... I have a lot of friends... but I hate New York.

The thing that annoys me is that I hate it when people charge bands to play with them. I hate that.

As an actor, I should justify the role given to me. So, as a villain, my job was to make people hate me.

I sometimes feel like I'm caught in a vise. Some people feel like I'm some kind of hero. Others hate me.

People like me were supposed to be into exclusivity, unapproachable. That's what I hate most. I think it's very demode.

I've learned that when I'm directing, I hate when people are always questioning everything and trying to give me directions.

People even describe the way I speak as sounding like gurgling with broken glass. Some people can't stand me; they hate my voice.

I hate it when people call me a 'national treasure.' It takes away your bite and makes you feel like a harmless old golden Labrador.

I hate to be treated as if I'm invisible. I get incensed when people talk across me or refuse to catch my eye in a restaurant or shop.

People would write me hate letters. How dare I try to represent Hispanics when I was so white? I tried to make them see it was racism.

Yes, I hate it when people call me a 'national treasure'. It takes away your bite and makes you feel like a harmless old golden Labrador.

I'm sorry that it was all so successful. I honestly didn't mean it to happen like that. It's hardly surprising that people grew to hate me.

I'm just really tiny. People hate me, because I just sit. I'm eating, I'm eating, I'm eating and then I just... sit. And I don't gain a thing.

I hate being forced to do things. I hate people telling me what to do, so I'll do the complete opposite. It's a bit self-destructive sometimes.

I hate to sound sort of diffident about it but it strikes me that a lot of people on the right have got active lives and are doing other things.

If I write a tune and people think it's nice, then that's fine by me, but I hate having to compete and promote the thing. I really don't like promotion.

Audiences just naturally hate me on screen. I could play a role in a tuxedo, and people would think I was rotten. You can do much more with a villain part.

I'm not a flopper. I hate when people say I'm a flopper. I don't flop. You never see me flying all over the floor. None of that. I barely fall down in games.

I thought that after 'Hate Story 3,' people are going to typecast and offer me the same roles. But, I have been lucky enough to be offered almost all different genres.

Basically, I hate conformity. I hate people telling me what to do. It makes me want to smash things. So-called normal behaviour patterns make me so bored, I could throw up!

If people are asking me for clubbing tips, then they're in real trouble. My clubbing tip is never go to a club, because they're horrible and I hate them. I'm more of a dinner party guy.

Hate is contagious. A few seconds after Donald Trump has told me something hateful, somebody else repeats it. He has legitimized what people only dare say in their kitchens and bedrooms.

It's a very strange phenomenon being hated by people you've never met. Some journalists just seem to hate me and everything I do, and it's disconcerting because I've never met this person.

I have a very thick skin altogether - surprisingly, many actors are rather fragile, but I get that of the 10 million people watching an episode, probably 3 million hate me, and I'm comfortable with that.

I don't want to be 'de-ethnicised.' I hate it when people say, 'Oh I don't even think of you as a woman,' or, 'I don't even think of you as a black woman.' Well what do you think of me as then? A loaf of bread?

Then, when I'm in these relationships with people who are also creative, or creative in their own way, what happens is the attraction is initially there and it's all unicorns and rainbows. And then they hate me.

The essential gesture of the contemporary novel is to get people to turn the page, to entertain them, and I hate that. I want a novel where the gesture is towards existential investigation on every page. That, to me, is thrilling.

To me, it's a heroic attribute to be so committed to a principle that you apply it, not when it's easy, not when it supports your position, not when it protects people you like, but when it defends and protects people that you hate.

I hate how old people get in my way when I'm swimming. You're trying to get into the zone and normally, if there's someone faster than you, you get out of the way, but old people don't; they're like, you can go round me. I give a little tut when I pass them.

I hate to toot my own horn but I just feel that I know people and I know fans and I don't feel there is that Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt barrier with me. I've always felt from everyone I talk to that the fans feel like I'm tangible and they can talk to me and they know me.

Here's my questions to anybody when they talk about comedy. When you are with your friends, who don't judge you, what do you say? And if that's appropriate to say with your friends, why is it not appropriate anywhere else. Like, I hate those people who judge me and are hypocrites.

I hate the hand that comes out of a car and just drops litter in the street. I hate that! For some reason, it just fills me with fury! It's just utter laziness, lack of interest in other people, lack of interest in the planet, in the hedgehog who might eat the plastic bag, it's a lack of concern.

I think people hate me pretty much across the board, which is nice. I mean, it's a pretty evenhanded loathing among a certain amount of the critical population, which used to be about 80 percent. So now I've gotten to the point where I just don't worry about it that much. It used to be very upsetting, now it's only mildly upsetting.

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