I frankly don't make much of a living, but I make a hell of a life.

To guide someone through the halls of hell is not the same as love.

People ask whether there is Hell. Yes, there is Hell: Hate is Hell!

War is war and Hell is hell, and if you ask me, War is a lot worse.

Too caustic? To hell with the costs, we'll make the picture anyway.

I had rather be in hell with Christ, than be in heaven without him.

No CEO examining books today understands what the hell is going on.

Detroit turned out to be heaven, but it also turned out to be hell.

Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile, I caught hell for.

Hell is gone and heaven's here,there's nothing left for you to fear.

I'm not playing a role. I'm being myself, whatever the hell that is.

They [German princes] made a pact with the devil and landed in hell.

If we had not driven them into hell... hell would have swallowed us.

Why the hell hasn't wxPython become the standard GUI for Python yet?

Hell is a place, a time, a consciousness, in which there is no love.

I don't care where I'm from, nor where I'm going. From hell to hell.

I've had a hell of a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it.

There are materials enough in every man's mind to make a hell there.

Warren Beatty was one hell of a lover - but we fought like stray dogs

When you put your feet on the floor every morning, Hell should shake!

Faith is what is left after all your beliefs have been blown to hell.

Dracula did bring a hell of a lot of joy to a hell of a lot of women.

Strip it all down to essentials and draw the hell out of what's left.

I would go to heaven, but I would take my hell; I would not go alone.

If I simply do my best, I cannot complain even if I am taken to hell.

If hell comes as a result of my speaking the truth, then let it come.

I won't tell you again! Don't look back! In hell you never look back!

My idea of going to hell is going somewhere where there are no books.

Hell is given up so reluctantly by those who don't expect to go there

I am not like other people. I am burning in hell. The hell of myself.

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.

I didn't know who the hell I was. I was whoever they wanted me to be.

I'm not apologizing to anyone. I'll apologize when hell freezes over.

Songwriting is Hell on Earth. If it isn't, then you're doing it wrong.

If there are damned souls in Hell, it is because men blind themselves.

You give my regards to St. Peter, or whoever has his job, but in Hell.

If I can't do something for the public good, what the hell am I doing?

The definition of hell is a place where nothing connects with nothing.

Sartre said that hell is other people, I believe that most of them are

But childhood prolonged, cannot remain a fairyland. It becomes a hell.

The merit of Mahomet is that he founded a religion without an inferno.

We may all deserve hell, but some of us deserve it sooner than others.

Hell, Justin and I even talking about recording a blues song sometime.

Actually, it's a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of a hoot.

Work like Hell. Share all you know. Abide by your handshake. Have fun.

If you in any way abate the doctrine of hell, it will abate your zeal.

I would storm the gates of Hell if Third Marine Air Wing was overhead.

Take away the In God We Trust, tell me what the hell is wrong with us.

If we had more hell in the pulpit, we would have less hell in the pew.

I put my body through hell. I run 120 miles a week, week in, week out.

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