I was an expert horseman.

Early Four Horseman is absolutely terrific.

Wole Soyinka's 'Death and the King's Horseman' is a play I go back to and I read often.

Being a great horseman does not rely on physical strength but more on the mind and sensibility.

When you see a good horseman, you're unable to tell where the instruction is coming from. It's like telepathy.

BoJack Horseman' would make sense in the world of 'Rick and Morty,' but it's hard to imagine Rick and Morty in the world of BoJack.

I've been around horses, but I certainly wouldn't call myself a horseman by any means. It's a combination of being very aware of them, and not trusting them.

The Inhumans, just as an idea - the idea that you were an ordinary horseman until you were exposed to this catalyst that is a very rare element - is a neat idea in and of itself.

To be a gourmet you must start early, as you must begin riding early to be a good horseman. You must live in France, your father must have been a gourmet. Nothing in life must interest you but your stomach.

A horseman's head is in Athens, and his body is in London: Poseidon's torso is separated between Greece and the U.K. This means that they cannot be celebrated and appreciated as a whole in the country they came from.

In these days when science is clearly in the saddle and when our knowledge of disease is advancing at a breathless pace, we are apt to forget that not all can ride and that he also serves who waits and who applies what the horseman discovers.

If Death Grips isn't the fourth horseman of a hip-hop apocalypse, its music at least tests the genre's threshold of extremity: The trio's abrasive, jittery style teeters on the edge of palatability, and plays toward a morbid curiosity to which many listeners won't succumb.

I was doing this really wacky sketch comedy but at the same time writing these dark, cerebral plays about characters coming to grips with their loneliness and heartbreak. My dream job has always been a way to combine the two. I would say 'BoJack Horseman' is the culmination of all of that.

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