No one remembers who came fourth.

I am the fourth generation of being deaf.

The fourth quarter is where players are made.

I loved teaching. I used to teach fourth grade.

Memory is the fourth dimension to any landscape.

I'm not a cleanup hitter. I'm just batting fourth.

Of course I want to be on the floor in the fourth.

The Fourth Amendment doesn't apply to corporations.

I wrote on the fourth season of 'Arrested Development.'

In fourth grade, I missed 82 days of school. Out of 160.

The Fourth of July should be celebrated with big hearts.

Kiss is a Fourth of July fireworks show with a backbeat.

I didn't meet my father until I was in the fourth grade.

I enjoy writing for third and fourth graders most of all.

There are lots of emotions that go with the Fourth of July.

My second, third and fourth novels were mistakes, essentially.

Since I've been in fourth grade, all I've known was basketball.

Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.

I was diagnosed as mentally retarded as late as the fourth grade.

In third or fourth grade, I loved to sign stories and monologues.

Fourth is the worst position to finish. You just missed the podium.

I'll have the chance to do a production number on A Capitol Fourth.

Raising funds for my fourth expedition proved to be very difficult.

My fourth movie, 'PKP2,' is my biggest release and biggest success.

Making money is my third or fourth most favorite thing in the world.

The fourth major league game I ever saw in person, I was in uniform.

I was the ghost-faced killer for Halloween in the third or fourth grade.

My first published book, 'Story of a Girl', was the fourth book I wrote.

When it's your fourth marriage, you tend to lose faith in superstitions.

If there was any magic formula, it was getting to pitch every fourth day.

I'm actually about as famous as a fourth division footballer from the 70s.

The Fourth of July observes one of the most seismic shifts in human history.

Fourth quarter, tied ballgame, why not try to get your best player involved?

I believe in second chances, but I don't believe in third or fourth chances.

I didn't know how babies were made until I was pregnant with my fourth child.

If you quit once, it's so much easier to quit the second, third, fourth time.

At 22, and on my fourth day in New York, I was lucky enough to meet my mentor.

Flying in space is a privilege, whether it's the first time or the fourth time.

I started to play in the fourth grade and didn't score for, like, a whole year.

The gallery in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm.

We can observe the Fourth Commandment by loving visits to our aging grandparents

You might recognize me, I'm the fourth guy from the left on the evolutionary chart.

I loved Bob Hope and the way he would turn to the camera and break the fourth wall.

I had been told I might be drafted in the fourth round. 'Great,' I said at the time.

By the time I was in the fourth grade, I sounded exactly like my father on the phone.

I was very shy - I didn't speak to anyone outside of my family until the fourth grade.

I love breaking the fourth wall, and being given permission to play with the audience!

When you taste first place, if you then go and finish fourth, you will be disappointed.

I don't know if he was the fourth man or the fifth, but he was certainly in the top 10.

I was nuts for stuff in the Middle Ages when I was just in the third and fourth grades.

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