I am not an icon.

I'm a fashion icon.

I want to be an icon.

I want to be a rap icon.

Icons speak icon language.

Oh, it's fun to be an icon!

I am not aware I am an icon.

Kate Hudson is my style icon.

Coca-Cola is an American icon.

Boeing is a United States icon.

I don't consider myself an icon.

Daria Werbowy is my beauty icon.

My beauty icon is Angelina Jolie.

Serena is an icon of women's sport.

I love being called a fashion icon!

Kim Gordon is my biggest style icon.

I'm not an icon. Not even in America.

My ultimate style icon is Grace Jones.

My ultimate beauty icon is Diana Ross.

I'm an icon. I'm the Queen of Limerick.

My mother has always been my style icon.

I'm not afraid to use Christ as an icon.

It's always intimidating to meet an icon.

Terry Sawchuk is an icon in our profession.

To be an icon... I guess that's a privilege.

My style icon has always been Sidney Poitier.

I don't know if I have a specific style icon.

I'm friends with Kehlani - she's a LGBTQ icon.

I'm the 'Showstoppa', the Main Event, the icon!

In becoming an icon, it is useful to die young.

I'm more than an actor. I'm an icon, an industry.

I never thought I would be somewhat of a gay icon.

Babe Ruth is an icon, in sports and in our society.

My dad is French and he's my number one style icon.

I don't want to be a queer icon. I want to be an icon.

When you talk about Beckham, he's a massive world icon.

My beauty icon is the love between my mother and father.

I hope when I'm dead I'll be considered an icon, though.

I don't think I'm in any way an icon, to be very honest.

There is only going to be one Kate Moss. Kate is an icon.

My style icon really for my whole life has been my mother.

Audrey Hepburn, for me, was the end-all, be-all style icon.

I'm Valentino Rossi. And I want to be a person, not an icon.

I am proud of the fact that people consider me a style icon.

It's a mark of any icon that it should be open to iconoclasm.

Fashion is totally political, the icon of a political system.

It's a big responsibility to play an icon like Sunil Gavaskar.

When you have an icon that wants you to succeed, it's awesome.

I don't feel like an icon; I don't think of myself as an icon.

Goldberg was as close to a cultural icon as WCW ever produced.

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