In Italy, they add work and life on to food and wine.

I know a lot of people want to see me fight in Italy.

I love Italy and I say I am from Italy wherever I go.

Italy no longer wants to be a servant to silly rules.

In Italy they judge you above all on your efficiency.

Unfortunately, you need to keep Italian Roma in Italy.

There is something majestic in the bad taste of Italy.

Italy in the Seventies seems like a fascinating place.

During my first month in Italy I lived a nomadic life.

But we did the Pink Panther not in Hollywood, in Italy.

I'm from Europe, England, and I actually lived in Italy.

I want to change Italy and get the economy back on track.

I am very happy and satisfied with my first year in Italy.

Left and right in Italy, they've always pretended to fight.

Italy needed structural reforms to become more competitive.

The economic partnership between India and Italy is strong.

I won in Italy, I won at Real Madrid, and I felt important.

I really like Italy. I am good there and they treat me good.

A compact defense has always been the basis of Italy's team.

In Italy, you get three or four goals, you go slow, you stop.

We'll never join up with the Fascists and Mussolinis of Italy.

I am proof that you can you make money in Italy and be honest.

If Spain goes under, Italy will come under even more scrutiny.

The game In England could be suitable for me but I like Italy.

My wife Yolanthe and I love Inter, the Italian fans, and Italy.

My wife would like to live in Spain; I'd like to live in Italy.

Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country.

When I can, I always like coming to Italy to have some nice wine.

In Mexico they think I'm Mexican. In Italy they think I'm Italian.

My mom loved fashion. We loved to travel and go to Italy and Paris.

In Italy, you must think faster than defenders. It is a tough school.

I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country.

No matter where I've been overseas, the food stinks, except in Italy.

For the two and a half years in Italy, I can be happy with what I did.

Capri on the Amalfi Coast in Italy is my ultimate holiday destination.

I love fashion from all over the world, from Japan to London to Italy.

I played in Premier League with Chelsea and in Italy with lot of teams.

A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority.

I never really liked Italy. 'Lots of cement' is my long-standing quote.

I'm from Italy, but when I'm in L.A., I dress a little bit rock and roll.

India and Italy have a lot in common, especially the tradition of luxury.

Let the French ministers take care of France; we will take care of Italy!

I'm 23, and I have played in the Premier League, in La Liga and in Italy.

I would love to take a road trip across Italy in an Aston Martin S Coupe.

I want to retire very early, by the time I am 40, and go to live in Italy.

We at Ferrari are a small, dynamic company, and we show what Italy can do.

I had a very exciting life in Italy, and I was doing lots of variety shows.

I have had the problem of seeing my male model go to Italy and... stay there.

The best place to go in Italy for a summer holiday is the island of Sardinia.

I don't think Italy is a racist country, because there are so many immigrants.

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