Real socialism is inside man. It wasn't born with Marx. It was in the communes of Italy in the Middle Ages. You can't say it is finished.

In Italy, the Milanese are well organized but follow bourgeois taste. They adhere to certain codes of elegance, but not to individualism.

In Italy they take cheap cloth and make it look expensive, but I take expensive cloth and make it look cheap. They just don't understand.

The one thing I learnt going to Italy was there's no real change in how the game should be played, but how players look after themselves.

In Italy, after a few defeats, it's quite common for the team to have to stay at the training ground for a few days, rather than go home.

Money-wise, I was probably the best player in Europe. It was safe where I was in Italy. But I wanted to play in the NBA to see if I could.

It's a family that's loaded with grudges and passion. We come from a long line of robbers and highwaymen in Italy, you know. Killers, even.

If I'm in Italy, I'm going to have a cappuccino and two small brioches and then a mix of orange and grapefruit. I don't drink tea in Italy.

I've never been much of a European traveler. London once on a book tour, and Italy because that's where Ferraris are from. That's about it.

A lot of people criticised me when I opted to leave Italy for Russia. However, I'm convinced that I made the right decision to leave Inter.

I like people like Robert De Niro and Anthony Hopkins. And Gianfranco Zola, who played for Chelsea and Italy. He's an artist with his feet.

Everybody in Italy cooks. They have a better knowledge of the kitchen - that's the place around which the whole of Italian society revolves.

Everything is global now. It's not London, it's not Spain, it's not Italy - everything is everywhere. So you have to be everywhere, I guess.

I am proud to be Italian because I was born in Italy, I grew up in Italy, I went to school in Italy and I have worked in Italy. I'm Italian.

I'm Latin, and my family is originally from Italy, so we're a loud group. There's always a lot of food, a lot of talking, a lot of fighting.

I like California wine, I really like wines from Washington state. I love wines from Spain and Italy. I don't know about French wines at all.

Getting stuck in a plane for four hours on the tarmac on the hottest day of summer in Italy - it was like being trapped in a boiling tin can.

Ireland, Italy and Brazil are the most musical places for me. They're extremely musical cultures and anything you pitch they basically catch.

If I spoke Italian, I'd be in Italy in a minute. I love the food, I love the way people live there. I mean, it really is my idea of paradise.

The national team has always lent its image to help Italy's problems over the years... The national team is more about uniting than dividing.

Juventus have always had exceptional players. I've played against them and against Italy many times. They're a tough team with great quality.

To have a chance at a big club, if it goes well and the club is happy and I am happy, then I can definitely see a longer-term future in Italy.

One needs a comprehensive concept that decides just how much debt states like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy can sustainably bear.

I'm a pretty calm person. That came from living in Italy for a long time. Nothing works, nothing is on time. You have to learn to deal with it.

My mom is Italian, and her whole family still lives in Italy. My dad is Australian, and his family lives in Australia, so we were raised there.

Having grown up in different countries - Jamaica, Italy, U.K. - I catch the accents quite easily. In the U.S., they don't know where I am from!

Toronto has been home to me and my family for almost 5 years. I arrived here from Italy in January 2015 and immediately felt something special.

'Made in Italy' is from the tycoons of the '80s, not me. It is people who represent an Italy which I don't belong to and I don't feel a part of.

I have a very big family, and that is my number one thing, and we go away for a month to see my cousins in Italy every year, but I need to work.

English football is different to Italy and Spain. You don't have that much time to calm down or relax because, all the time, the ball is on fire.

The catechism says rich nations should welcome strangers within the limits of the possible. In Italy, we have reached the limits of the possible.

I learned to speak Italian, somewhat. Definitely enough to get around in Italy. My grandfather always used to swear at my grandmother in Italian.

The original Grand Tour would generally begin in Belgium or the Netherlands before moving through Paris, Geneva, Spain, Italy, and perhaps Greece.

In Italy, they say rain on your wedding day is symbolic of fresh beginnings, cleansing, a pure marriage, and also a wet knot that can't be untied.

The Communists at that moment were very strong in Italy, and the Italian Communist Party was the biggest Communist Party outside the Soviet Union.

I love Europe. I don't speak a lick of French, but I speak a bit of Italian. I can get through Italy better than I get through the rest of Europe.

You see the strength of the Spanish league, the Premier League, Germany, France, and Italy. The TV revenues are so much higher in those countries.

With what I have learned in Italy, if I have the chance to learn something more in England I think it would make me a more complete, better player.

Out of so many international stars from U.S., France, Russia and Italy, I was the one who bagged the first Frownie Award. It is a humbling feeling.

We don't sell a car, we sell a dream. We are Italy's national team. There are many great soccer teams in our country, but there is only one Ferrari.

I could have stayed in Argentina but because I wanted to grow as a player, I went to Italy. I had the same idea in my mind when I came to Tottenham.

When I was in Italy, I liked to say, no, that the manager, the coach, is like a tailor. A tailor who must build a dress, the best dress for the team.

My great grandfather emigrated from Italy, and my grandfather worked in a steel mill and was able to raise kids and have a family and go on vacation.

The only place I've ever been where people were as proud about their city as people are in Chicago is Florence, Italy, where I lived for three years.

I love anywhere new and different. That's the fun of travel. I've always loved driving through Spain, France and Italy - sometimes in an Alfa Spider.

After working with my father for two years, we started Candie's, a line of imported shoes from Italy. Then in 1982 I set out to start my own business.

I really like Italy and Inter. When I was a kid I used to watch several leagues and I knew the names of all the greats that have played for this club.

I try to help people looking for food and money and clothes. I have done some radio transmissions here in Italy to tell people the truth about Croatia.

Financially, it's true that France does not have the same pulling power as England, Spain or Italy. But this is not the aspect that matters most to me.

The idea of having a house, a kid, a husband, and a dog... I love that. I also really want to open a coffee and flower shop one day, probably in Italy.

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