I was born in Catanzaro, Italy, from a Calabrese mother and a Ligurian father.

I am like a cartoon strip; I am like Donald Duck; everybody knows me in Italy.

Life is too short. If we're in Italy, have pizza and pasta. But not every day.

The ancient boundary of Italy on the north was not the Alps but the Apennines.

Italy was the hardest league to score goals in. Those guys just love defending.

If you score goals in Italy you can score goals all over the world, no problem.

When I played, it was more difficult to score goals in Italy than anywhere else.

My parents went to Italy a lot, but I didn't go with them. I can't believe that!

I write in English. My first album came out in Italy, and I toured and did gigs.

It is rather unusual for Italy to be at the forefront of pro-market initiatives.

I never tried to convince my wife to move to Italy. She wouldn't have liked that.

I want to play in Europe and learn another language. Spain and Italy are options.

Juventus fans know a lot about him, but in Italy we love Mourinho for his success.

I'm against illegal migrants. Too many of them are dangerous for Italy and Europe.

I buy the best fabrics from small mills in Italy. That is the basis for my clothes.

I love Italy. I always said that some part of me is Italian since I moved to Milano.

Italy are a very difficult team to play against. They have good defensive qualities.

I know the football and the training in Italy are different to Spain, but I'm ready.

I want to make films with a broad scope; produced in Italy but looking at the world.

Scoring lots of goals in Italy is much more difficult: they are experts in defending.

I was born in Pizzoferrato, a little village of 1000, in the Abruzzi region of Italy.

Here in Italy, football is more like a chess game. You have to think about every move.

Italy even in the future will not need aid from the European Financial Stability Fund.

We became the first political movement in Italy, and the media didn't even realize it.

Wasting time is something that people do or feel all over the world, not just in Italy.

When I was back in Italy my friends ask me about MLS. I say I am happy, I like it here.

If you want to go for a romantic break, or a quick break in Italy, it has to be Venice.

We have very strong roots in Italy and we are committed to deepen these roots even more.

When I went to Arsenal, people in Sweden said my game was more suited for Spain or Italy.

You don't become a saint until you lead a good life whether in Tibet or Italy or America.

I certainly don't miss Italy, as I am happy in Canada and have no intention of returning.

My family are happy in Italy. We're first, and I'm top scorer. What more could I ask for?

When I think of Italy now, I think of accessories, possessions, bad TV, fake boobs, BMWs.

Is a currency worth anything if no one wants it? We used to buy shoes in Italy. Remember?

One thing we don't have in Italy is the culture of Chinese, Indian, French and Thai food.

Well, in 1947... in Europe and in Italy especially, we thought of America as all-powerful.

In Italy the artist is a god. Now if the artist is a god, the scientist is likewise a god.

Germany, Italy and France appear to possess less dynamism than do the U.S. and the others.

In Italy, we have some of the best minds in the world, and we have let them all go abroad.

Italy is one of the great footballing nations, with whom we have a great sporting rivalry.

It's funny that as soon as I retired from international football, Italy won the World Cup.

I love Italy; in Italy, I grew up like a man and like a player. I felt Italy like a family.

I grew up in Italy, so for me, Naples pizza is the only type of pizza that there really is.

Venice, Italy, is one of my favorite cities, a place I've been lucky enough to visit twice.

But Italy can only have any real influence on world affairs if it carries weight in Europe.

I love Italy. This is the country that made me famous, and I would love to stay in Serie A.

It is a much bigger thing to have a world championship with Chicago than this one in Italy.

Italy is working to make sure the Brexit shock is an opportunity for a European reawakening.

We are a trading nation, and we are trading with Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland.

In Italy, there are a lot of Coppolas - it's like being called Jones. No one really notices.

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