New Yorkers are jaded.

I'm a very jaded and cynical person.

My kids are jaded, spoiled, entitled as hell.

I'm sure most actors, after a while, get a bit jaded.

Maybe it's because I'm jaded, but not a lot scares me.

I think people in Great Britain are a bit jaded sometimes.

Anything that has cynicism to it and that's jaded is smutty.

On TV, teachers are comedically jaded. That's not how I saw them.

Boy, oh, boy, people get jaded fast. I got nominated for an Emmy.

Nothing excites jaded Grandmasters more than a theoretical novelty

I'm a little tired of travelling the world, jaded as that may sound.

The treatment for jaded sensibilities is not to shatter them, after all.

I don't want to become a jaded person, and I don't want to be complacent.

There's nothing worse than a bunch of jaded old farts, and that's a fact.

People involved in my personal life make fun of me a lot for not being jaded.

I'm trying everything I can not to be jaded 'cause I don't like jaded musicians.

Most people probably become more jaded the longer they work in the world of work.

We want to make music, and we won't become jaded by the business aspect of what we do.

I think that as you grow up, as you get older, we can't get bitter, we can't get jaded.

As far as guys who perform onstage, I love Chris Rock. I'm kind of jaded on everyone else.

I remain very much connected to my childhood... I have never been too jaded or too sophisticated.

The last thing I want to appear is remotely jaded or bitter, which it could come across the wrong way.

I would say that I am a jaded man beyond most expectations, but, like everyone else, I still have hope.

You know, I'm always surprised when I read profiles, and they make me sound so jaded. I am so not jaded.

'Ready' is dedicated to young people who are not yet jaded and worn down by the realities of this world.

I'm not jaded. I never have been jaded. I've always been surprised at my success. I've always enjoyed it.

When you work in TV long enough, you tend to get a little jaded with different things you have to deal with.

Even some of the most jaded D.C. types are still impressed when the leader of the free world enters the room.

Who doesn't like a good wedding? Even the most jaded, can be moved to enjoy the hopefulness of a young couple.

To me, everything is always new. People involved in my personal life make fun of me a lot for not being jaded.

If you do the same thing over and over again, then you will definitely get stale and jaded like most actors do.

I always feel in movies, I don't know if it's because I'm jaded, but I always feel like we don't go far enough.

When I say I wasn't a 'meant to be' guy, I've almost been jaded in the sport, where I don't believe in anything.

I'm a comedian. Comedians are supposed to be jaded, cynical, angry people. But I'm not: I'm a silly, silly fun boy.

I'm not jaded yet. I'm still at the point where, if someone comes up to me with great energy, I'm happy to meet them.

The essence of the show is that SpongeBob is an innocent in a world of jaded characters. The rest is absurd packaging.

I think of Chicago as a great entrepreneur city, a city that supports its own, that isn't as jaded as New York and L.A.

I find that it's nice to work with somebody and spin off on someone else's feelings. You get a little jaded by yourself.

When all my friends insisted that they were feeling jaded, it struck me as an affected pose. To me, everything is always new.

I have gained so much more from my experiences of being open and loving humanity rather than being jaded and being closed-off.

As a matter of fact I don't like politics. I really don't. I think it's so jaded now and everybody has to follow the party line.

I took my sister to an ITV event once and it was good to see everything through her eyes as I had perhaps become slightly jaded.

Sometimes you get so jaded, you don't have those initial connections and emotions with music, because you are promoting your own.

People often yearn back to more innocent times, but more and more, as I get older, I find myself hankering after more jaded days.

Where would heist movies be without the Big Score - that payoff so irresistible it can lure the most jaded desperado out of hiding?

I suppose there are a lot of reasons to be jaded or sarcastic or bitter in life, but I hang on to the reasons why life is beautiful.

The news appeals to the same jaded appetite that makes a child tire of a toy as soon as it becomes familiar and demand a new one in its place.

I've become a voice for young women who are growing up and uncomfortable being vulnerable, uncomfortable with changes, heartbreak - and becoming jaded.

I'd like my records to reach as many people as possible, but I'm also thinking in terms of how I can keep from getting jaded or unhappy with the process.

We watch so many TV shows and movies about jaded or corrupt policemen, we forget people join the police force to do good, and they really care about that.

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