Hemingway was a jerk.

Maybe I am just a jerk.

I act like a jerk sometimes.

I jerk off 'til I bust blood.

I was born a poor black child.

From time to time, I'm a jerk.

Elections are a Western jerk-off.

I've dated jerks, so why not geeks?

Men are jerks. Women are psychotic.

I'd always rather be a jerk than a loser.

My high school coach was a bit of a jerk.

I don't want to be known as a jerk forever.

I don't want to be known as a jerk forever.

Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey

Every show needs a jerk. I guess I'm that guy.

I loved 'The Jerk.' That was my favorite movie.

Public transportation is for jerks and lesbians.

Only a jerk would talk politics on Mother's Day.

Just one thing I know for sure, chicks dig jerks.

You can't be a jerk in order to be a good writer.

People should realize we're jerks just like them.

I became a bit of a jerk. A kind of a nasty jerk.

I could be a real jerk on the days I was pitching.

Donald Trump is not a jerk. He's a friend of ours.

Why do women go out with jerks? Because jerks ask.

I'm a jerk, that's who I am. I'm like everybody else.

I really like the movie 'The Jerk' with Steve Martin.

Better to be a jerk that knees than a knee that jerks.

If you're working for a sexist jerk, you have to leave.

Almighty Father, please stop making jerks. Amen...Break!

When you jerk off, you're saying "Hey", I care about me.

What a snarky jerk. (Obviously, I later slept with him.)

There are more great guys than jerks, so it's a huge list.

I've been a jerk on the internet since the internet started.

People come from all over the world to sample Jamaican jerk.

Advanced life-forms, my seweet patootie. Jerks. Both of them.

"Jerks," I muttered. Then I brightened. "Oh, hey. Doughnuts."

What's the difference between tough love and acting like a jerk?

I try not to be a jerk. I really do. I try to be nice and cordial.

I'm not afraid to be a jerk or anything and laugh at myself anymore.

It isn't the ups and downs that make life difficult; it's the jerks.

Reject cynicism. Reject certitude. And don't be a jerk. Be a good guy.

In democracy everyone has the right to be represented, even the jerks.

I could be a jerk and get a lot more publicity, but that's not who I am.

I pride myself on being a jerk, because I'm brutally honest all the time.

I don't like characters that are left being jerks at the end of the movie.

I am always the 'good guy,' and I take on the idiotic jerks of the nation.

My liberal friends are such a bunch soft-headed, politically correct jerks.

My instincts for asking questions is to press but not to be a jerk about it.

In a democracy everybody has a right to be represented, including the jerks.

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