I like Lady Gaga!

I'm a big fan of Lady Gaga.

I respect Lady Gaga very much.

I've been to every Lady Gaga concert.

Huge fan of Lady Gaga - huge, mega, superfan.

I would totally do a Madonna or Lady Gaga video.

I would love to read Lady Gaga and Tonya Harding.

There are so many things to learn from Lady Gaga.

I can tell you, to me, Lady Gaga is Madonna with diarrhea.

I really like Lady GaGa and everything she is for her fans.

I like Lady Gaga because I like that she pushes the envelope.

Lady Gaga is my big fashion inspiration. I look up to her a lot.

I love Lady Gaga. She's not afraid to take risks and be herself.

Let the record show I would never turn down a role with Lady Gaga.

I'm a huge Lady GaGa fan - she makes the world a more incredible place.

She's got her own thing going, Lady Gaga is a genius as a fashion icon.

I like all kinds of music artists like Akon. I even listen to Lady Gaga.

If you only ever heard Lady Gaga, she's the most boring singer in the world.

Lady Gaga is the Picasso of the entertainment world. She's very intelligent.

I find Lady Gaga hilarious. And I kind of like her. My heart's warmed to her.

I can't list all the influences that Lady Gaga has given me and my generation.

I love the way Lady Gaga finds humour in fashion, but it's still very stylised.

I love Lady Gaga. When I was in high school, I really wanted to dress like her.

I was surprised to see the kind of synergy we made with Lady Gaga and our colors.

Lady Gaga has a very unjaded intelligence. It's brilliant, 'cause it's anti-snob.

If Lady Gaga is like an orange Bugatti Veyron, then I am like a black 1970 Chevelle.

Someone I would love to do a beautiful and glamorous red carpet moment is Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga is phenomenal. From the first day I met her, she was lightning in a bottle.

I'm obsessed with artists like Lady Gaga. I'm obsessed with artists like Lana Del Rey.

I did a benefit one night at Carnegie Hall with Bono and Lady Gaga and Rufus Wainwright.

I never said, 'Lady Gaga is a poor imitation of me.' That was a completely made-up quote.

Lady Gaga is a professional, truly, and someone who I aspire to be like as an entertainer.

Lady Gaga said to me, 'You showed me how it's done.' I have no idea what she meant by 'it.'

Artists like Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga have more sway over popular minds than a politician.

Lady Gaga has a lot of energy, and that is fantastic, but she is using old surrealist images.

I admire Lady Gaga. She wears exactly what she likes, no matter how good or bad it turns out.

My hair was long with a fringe, and people would make jokes, calling me Britney and Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all.

I love Lady Gaga and I love Katy Perry and R&B and rap music... I love big, American pop music.

I look at the artists as mini media companies, like if Beyonce is ESPN and Lady Gaga is Discovery.

I want to have a record with Beyonce or Lady Gaga. They are both my inspirations. Especially Beyonce.

I love Katy Perry and Lady GaGa. I think GaGa's pushing the envelope every day and I really like that.

There will always be kids in every generation that understand that Lady Gaga is not music, it's theater.

I'm neither here nor there about this Lady Gaga, but she's clearly very passionate about her poker face.

Lady Gaga is one of the most amazingly talented musicians to bring her gifts to humanity in a long time.

I am thrilled Lady Gaga has helped to teach her audience about long durational work and performance art.

There are people we look up to, like Lady Gaga and what she's built. She's not afraid to own who she is.

I worked with Lady Gaga for a day on a video shoot. It was crazy; we had a lot of fun. I had a great time.

I always look at Akon as inspiration, and the fact that at one point Lady Gaga was signed to Konvict Muzik.

Nobody works harder than Lady Gaga. Nobody. She is unbelievable. I don't know how she sleeps, or when or if.

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