Less is more.

[In art], less is more.

Sometimes, less is more.

I always think less is more.

Less is more, unless you're Al Gore.

Less is more, unless you're Al Gore.

Less is more only when more is too much.

The simplest things are often the truest.

I usually go with the 'less is more' approach.

Basically, less is more when it comes to film.

Plurality should not be assumed without necessity.

I think less is more in terms of makeup in general.

I hate to hear 'Less is more.' It's a crock of crap.

Less is more! I don't wear makeup if I don't have to.

Sometimes less is more when it comes to workout routines.

We are happy in proportion to the things we can do without.

When people say to me less is more I reply, 'More is more'.

Some people say that less is more. But I think more is more.

I think less is more when it comes to kissing in the movies.

Silence is a form of communication, too. Sometimes less is more.

Less is more. You should wear earrings or bracelets, but not both.

The thing I've learned is less is more. I travel as light as possible.

The biggest thing I have learnt is not to overdo make-up - less is more.

But then, even with sex, I'm more in the school of less is more in movies.

It was a whole new attitude: no makeup, less is more... the '90s were fun!

Red lipstick aside, I firmly believe that less is more in terms of make-up.

Less is more. I truly believe in buying a few pieces with better construction.

I learned up less is more.The makeup used to wear me and now I wear the makeup.

I continue to be drawn to clarity and simplicity. 'Less is more' remains my mantra.

My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.

Actually 'Soon' has more than the Left Behind series, but I really believe less is more.

I think less is more. Sephora has these nude themes, which is like 'no make-up' make-up.

The point is, stories can be all lengths. Never underestimate the power of “less is more.

I have always believed in 'less is more' in everything I do, from work to my personal life.

I sometimes think less is more. If you cut yourself in too many places, it is hard to execute.

My approach to beauty is 'less is more,' but I usually wear a pinky-nude lip color, like my Pas du Tout.

When you're young, the temptation is maybe to think, 'More is more.' But a lot of the time less is more.

Less is more when you do a bright, bold lip. Just draw on black liner and some mascara and you're good to go!

A lot of people tend to chew up the scenery. I'm a firm believer in less is more, especially on the big screen.

For me, less is more. I don't often wear makeup, but when I do, a little concealer and some powder go a long way.

I really believe in less is more. It's more sophisticated to look look and fresh and make a statement in one place.

There is in art the notion of less is more, which is to say, you don't torture a painting that has already confessed.

I don't believe less is more. I believe that more is more. I believe that less is less, fat fat, thin thin and enough is enough.

Pat Summerall personified less is more. His play-by-play was so bare bones but so great because he had a great, deep-toned voice.

Less is more. Happiness is found close to the necessities of life, not in needless complexity and meaningless multiplicity of choice.

I'm very classic and structural. I love clean lines and interesting, modern details. But I'm all about being streamlined - less is more.

My mum always encouraged me that less is more, make-up wise. I think that's why I feel more confident when I have a fresh and natural face.

With grooming, less is more. I like to smell good, so will use a fragrance like Boss Bottled. I don't overdo it, but I moisturise daily, too.

I think less is more when it comes to make-up; this really helps achieve a lighter complexion. Heavy make-up creates a canvas and can dull the skin.

My mom is very much about 'less is more.' She showed me how to use makeup to enhance your beauty but not to change your face, which I think is important.

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