Life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages.

My existence went up about 12 levels of intensity.

I think there are different levels of forgiveness.

When our power level is down sufficiently, we die.

The illiteracy level of our children are appalling.

I am comfortable with my level of public discourse.

The presidency is not an entry-level electoral job.

There is a level of snobbery and fickleness in L.A.

My level of awkward makes everyone else feel normal

I'm sorry I can't get into Scooby Doo on any level.

Opportunity meets you at your level of expectation.

If you can't keep up, drag them down to your level.

For me, it's important to keep a level of anonymity.

The populace drags down the gods to their own level.

Together, we'd take crazy to a whole new level. ~Tod

My struggles with myself seldom reach aerobic level.

We can bring immigration down to sustainable levels.

The world cannot live at the level of its great men.

When you reach that deeper level, you can't go back.

Most nanny-state initiatives begin on a local level.

I'm sure I had low-level scurvy all of my childhood.

I am geared towards communicating on a female level.

Hope comes as a surprise, at several levels at once.

The big thing for actors is the level of commitment.

Theatre is how I first encountered art on any level.

To awaken human emotion is the highest level of art.

The filmmakers always have a great level of control.

The only entry level position on a movie is director.

L.A.'s magic has let me see every level of the dream.

Below Every Tangled Hierarchy Lies An Inviolate Level

I actually think with age comes some level of wisdom.

It's difficult for them to do a deal at these levels.

When things are steep, remember to stay level-headed.

Kids are at my level. I like goofing around with them.

I want my work to reflect my level of gifts and talent

I eat every 15-20 minutes to keep my energy levels up.

Love is the binding force on every level of existence.

There's no such thing as success on an isolated level.

A minimum wage leads to higher levels of unemployment.

Babies have much higher levels of stress in childcare.

Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions.

Life's greatest adventure is in doing one's level best.

I'm easily destroyed and I operate on emotional levels.

..Our level of influence is not the same with everyone.

I'm very touched on a deep level by cruelty to animals.

I was brought up as a Catholic. I've got A-level guilt.

A lot of the high-level sports are really in your mind.

Behaviour arises from the level of one's consciousness.

Anything is an art if you do it at the level of an art.

Only art and science can raise men to the level of God.

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