I'll be working the rest of my life because I'm a character actor and don't have to worry about box office.

I care a lot about fragrance not only in my life, but sometimes it feels right while working on a character.

I want to be known for this character on TV two nights a week, and then I want to go away and live my life in private.

I can't play anything until I find something that connects to my life, something I can carry as my secret map or code for the character.

After I play every character, I always walk away and feel a little different. I've experienced something that's not my life, but I've made it my life.

I don't think my looks are modern. I always imagined I'd end up doing Chekhov, Ibsen and Shakespeare all my life and never play a contemporary character.

I'd say that on 'Friends' my character was the guy bouncing around the room. I'm no longer that guy, necessarily, in my life. I used to be. But I'm not now.

Sometimes I like to think it would be nice if you just had a character, and your personal life was your personal life. My life is definitely out there, you know?

Actually, after three years, I realised that the opening scenes of 'Polladhavan' were inspired by 'Lolita,' in which the lead character says, 'Why did I meet her? My life would have been different had I not met her.'

My first film was a Malayalam film where I played a small character and then my big debut happened in Kannada, which is also my mother tongue, in 2016, 'U-Turn' and since then my life has taken a different turn altogether.

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of acting: character acting and lead acting. And in my life, to begin with, in the 1980s, it was all character acting. And then when, by fluke, through 'Four Weddings', I got into doing lead parts, it's a completely different thing.

The reason I feel like I act is because you get to live a million different lives in one. I don't have to go about my life, just being easy-going New Zealander Rose. Sometimes I can inhabit a feisty, vicious character. Sometimes I can inhabit a painfully shy British girl, or whatever it might be.

There have always been two people jostling for control of my life, two totally opposite characters. The first one is super-confident, bulletproof, a showman, and an extrovert. He tries to make people laugh, messes about, gets into trouble, shrugs it off. The other character is withdrawn and reflective.

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