I was running around and bouncing out of the pram as a baby.

I love working with other people and bouncing ideas off them.

I've been bouncing around from comedy to drama and TV and film.

Bouncing ideas off people when you're thinking up comedy is great.

I'm a sportsman. I am used to failures, and bouncing back from them.

I worked in rose fields, and I worked in potato fields. I did some bouncing.

I'm always moving like a kid. I'm always bouncing around and never sit still.

Joy acts like a trampoline, everything that touches it bouncing right back off it.

Whenever Rod has four of five days off, he'll be bouncing off the walls with boredom.

If you're not in the WWE and bouncing around in the Indy shows, you're not with the best.

I have the most lovely, healthy bouncing baby, she was all very compact and the right size.

You have to pretend that your life is a financial pleasure even when your autographs are bouncing.

'Mr. Brownstone' is always a fun song to play because it's got that beat, and you see people bouncing.

The joys of friendship inert the heart and fizzy home bouncing jubilantly with laughter-buttered love.

I get recognized just often enough to keep my ego bouncing along, but not so much that I can't go places.

I wasn't the crazy kid bouncing off the walls, I would just sit back a make comments and I made people laugh.

A lot of teams - they want a point guard and I am bouncing around, why not put me in those talks and try to get me?

When our career is over, when we retire and the basketball stops bouncing, we still have to find something else to do.

Too many vital education dollars that should be spent in the classroom are bouncing around in the federal bureaucracy.

I've always been somebody who was just bouncing off the walls and high tension, hyperactive, you know what I'm saying?

It can be really tough to find decent veggies when you're racking up highway miles or bouncing from airport to airport.

I had no clue what I wanted to do. I tried nursing, I tried science, I tried English. I just kept bouncing back and forth.

I think it's just important to be always bouncing between TV and theater, and hopefully I'll get to do movies at some point.

I quit acting when I was 11 because I was cast as a bouncing ball in 'Alice in Wonderland,' and I felt slighted and wounded.

Although I have been pretty vocal about hating touring, the only part of touring I don't like is being on the bus and bouncing around.

I don't want to sound like 'chirpy Evan' who's just bouncing around with his unrealistic views and doesn't understand what's going on.

I didn't play in indoor gyms until I was 12... Hitting the floor on concrete - it ain't easy bouncing up from that. It makes you tougher.

As a child, I was hyper, I was a clown and I was sensitive. Today I'm all of the above, except I've refrained from bouncing off the walls.

I think because of the eccentricity of my work and how I dress, people expect me to be bouncing off the walls. But that's just not how I am.

I kind of prefer bouncing back and forth between theater and films. It's like having the best of both worlds, both very different experiences.

I feel like that's what being creative is: It's you bouncing with emotion and what you capture in those bounces. Accept where you are and use it.

I'm the youngest of eight kids in my family. All tall, we all played basketball, so at my earliest memory, I was bouncing a ball in the backyard.

A boy cannot begin playing ball too early. I might almost say that while he is still creeping on all fours he should have a bouncing rubber ball.

I've been very fortunate in animation - when I get on a project, people tend to keep me, so I have long stays of work rather than bouncing around.

My parents kept us sheltered from this world of Hollywood. I don't have any great memories of bouncing on Cary Grant's knee or something like that.

As a singer, I float around. I'm kind of scatty, bouncing around a lot. I try to adapt to what's going on around me in the song and the arrangement.

I was living in my truck, bouncing in bars - a 20-year-old kid trying to break up all these red neck fights. But hey, I did what I had to do to survive.

I recommend multiple sports for sure. The memories I have bouncing around for each sport, having to juggle some in the same day, it's tough; it's difficult.

I'd say that on 'Friends' my character was the guy bouncing around the room. I'm no longer that guy, necessarily, in my life. I used to be. But I'm not now.

The challenge for me has first been to see things as they are, whether a portrait, a city street, or a bouncing ball. In a word, I have tried to be objective.

I am a light person. I think of myself with a shield, a protective shield around me. And I think of bad things bouncing off it. Boom, boom, boom, ba-boom, ba- boom!

I'm equally happy bouncing across the African savannah in an old Land Rover as I am staying in a luxury resort in The Maldives. Travel and the wilderness excite me.

Basketball for me has always been a matter of rhythm - what you do bouncing the ball, how you bounce the ball, how you run, how you receive the ball to be in rhythm.

My favorite way to be bold? Bouncing on a little highlighter with a damp Beautyblender. Especially under the brow bone, on the tip of the nose, and on the Cupid's bow!

In the 1960s and into the '70s, everyone in their own way was trying to open up the musical horizon. There shouldn't be a wall that you're going toward and bouncing off.

The doctors have said that they don't want me in the ring bouncing around or getting picked up and slammed down. They said the old head just can't survive anymore trauma.

There's footage of me bouncing around, all uncoordinated, trying to work out how on earth you're supposed to do a rising trot on a really extravagant moving eventing horse.

I am bouncing back despite being a girl from Mumbai who didn't work for two years. A lot of others girls in the same situation would have had to walk away from the industry.

When I tagged with Andre, and I loved tagging with Andre, but Andre started having some physical issues, so I did all the bouncing around in the ring, and I did it joyfully.

One of the marvelous things about Churchill is that whatever he was doing, whether fighting or arguing or despairing or bouncing about full of energy, jokes are never far away.

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