I studied Morse code.

The tax code is just too big.

Whenever possible, steal code.

In code, it never pays to rush.

Code writers, they are my idols.

I got hoes in different area codes

Modernity is not about dress codes.

As technologists, we all write code.

It's hard to tune heavily tuned code.

Procrastination is in my genetic code.

I've always liked code that runs fast.

I ride for my guys. That's the bro code.

It's harder to read code than to write it.

I think everyone should learn how to code.

You can't have life without the genetic code.

I don't program or code or anything like that.

100 percent at all times I believe in girl code.

Destiny had a 518 area code..who knew." - Ehlena

Type a few lines of code, you create an organism.

I'm a weirdo, but I have a very strong moral code.

A person’s zip code shouldn’t decide their destiny.

That's the biggest problem, is the tax code itself.

I don't know how to code. I should know how to code.

Codes are a puzzle. A game, just like any other game.

The photographic image... is a message without a code.

I started out with machine code and assembly language.

The best book I read this year was 'The Da Vinci Code.'

What I do believe in is the moral code of Christianity.

'Miele' is a code name for a girl who has a double life.

Adding functionality is not just a matter of adding code.

We're moving from reading the genetic code to writing it.

Real programmers can write assembly code in any language.

'The Da Vinci Code' is the most popular book of our times.

I don't think many people will re-read 'The Da Vinci Code.'

I'd rather have vinyl and a download code than a CD any day.

The locale does not determine the dress code; the host does.

It is hard to write even the smallest piece of code correctly.

You can't trust code that you did not totally create yourself.

Watching a program run is not as revealing as reading its code.

Following a code of silence, you're never gonna lose the anger.

I don't blame anybody for using the tax code to their advantage.

The bottleneck is never code or creativity; it's lack of clarity.

In Washington, 'delay' is too often code for 'derail.' Wink, wink.

To me, no one has fully cracked the code on social recruiting yet.

I was born in a place where your ZIP code determines your destiny.

Lord knows I'm all for lowering rates and simplifying the tax code.

The Mozilla project is big in terms of lines of code and complexity.

But I must say the work I'm proudest of is the Green Cross Code man.

I'm kind of a retired software engineer. I don't write code anymore.

No bill works if it doesn't work in a zip code where somebody lives.

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