A new character is like bringing a new human being into your life.

If the character you play on screen has to have life, you should dub in your own voice.

You get films like 'Baahubali' once in your life. And Amrendra Bahubali is a character that I can never forget.

You've got to be happy when you play a sad character; otherwise, you just get depressed. Make your real life as fun as possible.

You cannot have the same kind of character again and again in every season or every stage of your life. You change, people change.

You take a look back at some tough parts of your life, just bad things that have happened: they tend to build your character and make you who you are.

Plots are artificial. Does your life have a plot? It has characters. There is a narrative. There's a lot of story, a lot of character. But plot? Eh, no.

Sometimes I like to think it would be nice if you just had a character, and your personal life was your personal life. My life is definitely out there, you know?

As a character actor, you have to understand that it's not about you. You have to remember it's about someone else's life. And your character is just passing through.

No-one tells you about being in episodic television and it ending. No-one tells you how painful it is. How bizarre it is when you've dedicated your life to one character for five years.

When you step inside a set and transform into a character, it's your first brush with that role. It doesn't matter who you have worked with. Every character will be a first in your life as an artiste.

As you get older and ease your way into being a character actor you have to be comfortable with where you are in life and career, and I'm very comfortable with what I'm doing - working on projects I'm proud of.

There is less pressure as a character actor. It generally means that you will be acting for all of your life, which is my intention. It is not my intention to just be a rich and famous person, that would be pretty boring.

I don't know how many times I can sit there and talk about my character or my life. It's interesting to talk about experiences in the context of something you're doing for somebody else, and particularly if you can persuade others to join you in your support.

You can be more creative in acting by bringing your character to life and bringing a piece of you that wasn't there before. You could have five different actors play one role, and all five of them would be so different because each person brings a different piece of them into it.

When you're a child, and you're growing up, and you're mimicking a certain character, or you're trying to live and breathe a certain character on set for eight years that are also your formative years, you oftentimes take a lot of who you're playing into your real life and kind of become that thing.

What I've learned in my life, it's a very interesting social study for me, to go back and forth between being the guy at home and being the guy on the road and being the guy in studio and being the guy in the interview. The environment around you has so much to do with your character, and when I'm home, my character really changes quite a bit.

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