If something scares me, then I have to do it. My biggest fear in life is fear.

I just was built with an innate ability to not let fear guide me in how I run my life.

It was such a relief. I lived in fear of being found out. Now it's given me a whole new mission in life.

I've always had this fear in me. What would life be like if I wasn't Number 1 on television? But I've learnt to overcome that fear.

The fear of every actor is when is this life going to be snatched away from me? Which is the day or year that the audience is going to decide 'that's it.'

I said if I made 10 films in my life, I would be very lucky. That's how I meant it. My fear after my first one was whether they would let me make another one, so I had this goal in my head.

My biggest fear in life is living Nativity scenes. I hide in cars and drive around looking at them. Something about it is really scary to me. What parent would put their child in there with mules and camels and straw?

For me, every single thing I do seems to be about the process of letting go because that's what I so desperately need to do with so many things: with fear, with what people think of me, and all these things I've worried about my whole life.

One of my big goals as a human being is to continue to write what's really happening to me, even if it's a tough pill to swallow for people around me... I do fear that if I ever were to have someone in my life who mattered, I would second-guess every one of my lyrics.

The fear of life, the fear of burdens and of duties, of annoyances and of catastrophes! The fear of life, which makes us, through dread of its sufferings, refuse its joys. Ah! I tell you, this cowardliness enrages me; I cannot forgive it. We must live - live a complete life - live all our life.

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