A camel makes an elephant feel like a jet plane.

Both camels are dead and our provisions are done.

Old Camels carry young Camels skins to the Market.

It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Christians and camels receive their burdens kneeling.

Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel.' Sign in Skardu

Love and pregnancy and riding on a camel cannot be hid

Death is a black camel, which kneels at the gates of all.

A camel looks like a horse that was planned by a committee.

If Camels are the ship of the dessert, this one is the Titanic

Camels are wonderful animals. Witty, intelligent and sensitive.

Tie your camel up as best you can, and then trust it to Providence.

I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink.

I'm gonna do the whole bedroom in camel color - it's an old lady color.

Hey! Shouts Camel. There ain't no woman in the world worth two bottles of whiskey!

Texas liberals are the camels of good news. We can cross entire deserts between oases.

I smoke so much. Three packs a day... I went to the bathroom, a camel came out of my ass.

Rich folks may ride on camels, but it ain't so easy for 'em to see out of a needle's eye.

it is a curious fact that camels walk more quickly and straighter to the sound of singing.

If patience and gratitude had been she camels, it would have mattered little on which I rode.

Then when Gladys Knight came in to do my songs that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Expediency is a law of nature. The camel is a wonderful animal, but the desert made the camel.

Passion in a dromedary doesn't go so deep; a camel when it's mating never sobs itself to sleep.

When I want to draw a camel I no longer limit myself, as I once did, to looking only at camels.

Feet were made, not given for dancing, but to walk modestly, not to leap impudently like camels.

My lady had the body of a siren, the face of a goddess, and the mind of an Armenian camel dealer.

A camel that always moves with the camel caravan cannot discover the beauties of the unknown oases!

The camel has his virtues - so much at least must be admitted; but they do not lie upon the surface.

The America's Cup, yachting's great and garish grail, is a tumorous tureen no handsomer than a camel.

I was warned the camels can be nasty, especially the young ones. I was warned to give it a wide berth.

The camel has a single hump, The dromedary, two; Or else the other way around; I'm never sure. Are you?

There is no logical reason why the camel of great art should pass through the needle of mob intelligence.

Camels are still trained in Alice Springs for tourist jaunts and for occasional sale to Australia's zoos.

I didn't want to do movies with hundreds of camels crossing the desert followed by tanks and this and that.

I refer to jet lag as 'jet-psychosis - there's an old saying that the spirit cannot move faster than a camel.

The difference between camels and men; a camel can work a week and not drink; a man can drink a week and not work.

But camels, though odious to view and endowed with the offensive spirit, did not enjoy the blessing of pachydermaty.

I have often found a small stream at its fountain-head, that, when followed up, carried away the camel with his load.

It's a sin for a writer to go looking for camels to put into his or her pages. I only want details that are the story.

Camel trips, as I suspected all along, and as I was about to have confirmed, do not being or end: they mere change form.

A peasant can no more help believing in a traditional superstition than a horse can help trembling when be sees a camel.

Camels are snobbish and sheep, unintelligent; water buffaloes, neurasthenic-- even murderous. Reindeer seem over-serious.

Critic, relent!Your hope for repentanceWill meet with disapppointment.For this is the life,Not desert tents,Not camel's milk!

Just like a caravan of camels walking in the desert, be durable against the adversities of life and walk with decisive steps.

The most repulsive thing you could ever imagine is the inside of a camel's mouth. That and watching a girl eat octopus or squid.

I've been on camels before, lumbering slowly through the desert - not hugely exciting, but I enjoyed the 'Lawrence of Arabia' vibe.

I want you to see that the person I glimpsed running beside the camel, running to save my life, is the person you can choose to be.

I can't actually see myself putting make-up on my face at the age of sixty, but I can see myself going on a camel train to Samarkand.

The covetous man is like a camel with a great hunch on his back; heaven's gate must be made Higher and broader, or he will hardly get in.

When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive.

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