I am 5'6' and desperately wish I was taller.

Our world desperately needs real leadership.

I think people desperately want to feel love.

I've always wanted to play a cop, desperately.

I try desperately to never drink bottled water.

We need term limits desperately in this country.

I'm a choir girl gone horribly, desperately wrong.

If you chase something too desperately, it eludes you.

I was desperately unhappy trying to adjust to the world.

I consider my teenage years as being desperately unhappy.

Growing up, I wanted desperately to please, to be a good girl.

I was a very unconfident teenager. I wanted desperately to fit in.

All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.

I desperately want to visit the Galapagos and meet some giant tortoises.

So, I think China desperately needs to legitimize some form of opposition.

My mother's father was a doctor, and she desperately wanted to be a doctor.

France desperately needs to work on its competitiveness and attractiveness.

It makes absolutely no sense for me to turn down a fight I desperately want.

Some of us might find happiness if we quit struggling so desperately for it.

Can people who hunger so desperately for what other people have ever have enough?

I have a family who are desperately not interested in sharing their life with the world.

I'm not serving in office because I desperately needed 99 new friends in the U.S. Senate.

For the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30.

Some people are desperately looking for scapegoats, they just don't want to see the truth!

Wherever you are in the world, whoever you are with, sometimes you feel desperately lonely.

As a child, I loved story books and wanted to be in them so desperately and live the stories.

I'm not desperately looking for a man, but I'm sure one of these days, I'll find my Mr. Right.

It makes me so desperately sad to witness just how unforgivably wretched our world has become.

I'm reading scripts, desperately wanting to work. I've set a couple of things up for next year.

They're desperately searching for meaning in their lives but they will not crack the Bible open.

When I was about 5 I think, I desperately wanted to be a pirate and have the hat and everything.

I think the whole idea of me was that I wasn't going to be but that I wanted to be, desperately.

Television is now so desperately hungry for material that they're scraping the top of the barrel.

People need hope and inspiration desperately. But hope and inspiration are only sustained by work.

I desperately want a dog, but I've been told I travel too much, and I'm not allowed to have a dog.

Be there because Barack Obama and Joe Biden will deliver America the change we so desperately need.

We live in an era of reinvention: Madonna and everybody desperately trying to change their persona.

I so desperately wanted to be Mr. Somebody. Instead, I was the little brother, included to a point.

Several million people inside and outside Afghanistan are destitute and desperately in need of help.

I'm desperately ambitious, and one of the things I haven't been able to do at Everton is win a trophy.

I've done two Shakespeare tragedies, so I'd desperately like to do comedy. It would be nice not to die.

I talk fast because I'm asthmatic, and I'm desperately hoping the words get out before my breath fails.

There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea, and I no longer wonder at the cruelty of pirates.

ISIS already has strongholds in Syria, while the Free Syrian Army desperately needs more U.S. assistance.

Even crushed against his brother in the Tube the average Englishman pretends desperately that he is alone.

Enough people have now mentioned Bill Nye the Science Guy to me that I now desperately avoid it all costs.

'La Vie en Rose' is just about my favorite movie. Marion Cotillard, I'm so desperately obsessed with her work.

I want affection and tenderness desperately, but there's something in me that prevents me from handing it out.

We imagine that we want to escape our selfish and commonplace existence, but we cling desperately to our chains.

Wikipedia is kind of weird. I feel it's lame to put up my own page, but I desperately want someone else to do it.

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