People don't get it. Martial arts is my life.

I feel like I've been proving people wrong all my life.

All my life I've been prejudiced against wealthy people.

I don't really have any people in my life who aren't gypsies.

The show is 'Fix My Life!' Get it? Life. I do not fix people.

I don't like people; I don't let too many people into my life.

My life as an author has always been about brilliant, odd people.

I'm an honest person and don't lead my life on other people's terms.

I've made lots of big decisions in my life that have shocked people.

I don't live my life seeking validation from people on social media.

I owe my life to blood donors. I'm forever grateful to people who donate.

Ray Santos is one of my personal heroes. I model my life on people like him.

Most of my really strong friendships are with people I've known all my life.

I've met many irresponsible people in my life but never an irresponsible cat.

I've spent all of my life trying to get people to feel a passion for what I do.

I don't hold any regrets whatsoever about my life besides hurting people I loved.

I don't do much on social media. I don't really want people knowing about my life.

I tell people that I've now done one decent thing in my life. Albeit inadvertently.

People try to make a Greek tragedy of my life, and they can't do it. I'm too happy.

I've spent my life navigating through sensitive issues. Not wanting to upset people.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, like so many other people, my life changed forever.

I've worked really hard to hurt people in my life so I admire people who heal people.

I let people see the cracks in my life. We can't be phony. We've got to keep it real.

I really like people and I keep friendships. I have people from all parts of my life.

A lot of people in my life are getting sick or potentially going to get sick from tobacco.

To be honest, my life is not really as way-out and myth-loaded as people like to portray it.

The theme of my life is overcoming. It is my personal mantra and what I help other people do.

Boxing saved my life. There were a lot of gangs and I was hanging around with the wrong people.

I have always said that Twitter is my forum to talk to people about what's happening in my life.

I feel very privileged that I get to spend my life telling stories that mean something to people.

I see my boys about 10 days every month. And, yes, they are the most important people in my life.

Civil rights leaders are involved in helping poor people. That's what I've been doing all my life.

I had some social anxiety when I was younger because I wasn't surrounded by many people in my life.

All my life - middle school, high school - I've always been worried what are people going to think.

There were a lot of stop signs in my life... People telling you what to do, when to do it, and so on.

I have a lot of wonderful people in my life - probably five, collectively - who I can tell everything to.

Some people have dogs... I like leaves. I like plants, and I like flowers too. Ecstasy is big in my life.

It seems there's always another rumor about my life; some people are simply talked about more than others.

What people see is just your career graph and the films you do. But that's a very small aspect of my life.

I don't have many deal breakers. I've done so much in my life, it doesn't feel right to judge other people.

I never met anybody in my life who says, I want to be a critic. People want to be a fireman, poet, novelist.

People say, 'I failed out of college! My life is over!' Well, it's not over. It depends on what you do with it.

I spent my teens in northern California listening to KALX, KUSF, and KFJC, finding people that changed my life.

I have seen really happy people in my life sing really well. Yes, when people get fame, then there's depression.

So many people in my life need prayers, and I feel like I owe that to them. After all, in heaven, we feed each other.

And when I go to see plays, I marvel at how people can do that. I've done it all my life, but I still find it mystical.

The majority of my life is spent doing nothing but godly things, especially when it comes to dealing with other people.

I don't have to live the roller coaster other people live with my life. It's hard because people try to have an effect.

I have no regrets. I wouldn't have lived my life the way I did if I was going to worry about what people were going to say.

I tried to live my life really openly and transparently right from the get-go. I think that probably resonated with people.

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