I'm not trying to rush my life.

I have to be self-conscious of what I'm trying to do with my life.

Trying to make order out of my life was like trying to pick up a jellyfish.

I think most of my life I have spent trying to gain normalcy, whatever that may be.

All my life, I've been trying to make a hole-in-one. The closest I've come is a bogey.

That has been the concept to my life - setting very high objectives and trying to fulfil them.

I think, a lot of my career and my life before I went to Sweden, I felt like I was trying to be someone else.

I'm trying to enjoy my lie as much as I can and I know that tennis hopefully is going to be my life the next 10, 15 years.

An astonishing portion of my life is built around trying to evade vomiting and preparing for the eventuality that I might.

I've had to spend an awful lot of my life trying to pretend I'm not posh. Although once I open my mouth, I rather let things out the bag.

I do not want to say I'm a product designer. I've been trying all my life to not be categorized, to learn something and then to forget about it.

I was in my early twenties and trying to figure out what I wanted to do and comics came back in my life and I thought I really want to give it a try.

I've spent most of my life trying to wear a persona that didn't quite fit and when I started writing books, it was like finally becoming the right person.

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