I'm not interested in a persona.

I never manufactured my persona.

I'm persona non grata at the New Yorker.

My band persona is 25% tougher than I am.

I wanted my show to look like the fourth of July.

Losing has changed my whole persona about fighting.

I'd rather be dealt with as a person than a persona.

If you change a woman's look, you change her persona.

I ran out of any type of persona. I just had to be me.

I'm not like a persona. I'm not a caricature of myself.

I got a different persona than a lot of these other guys.

I'm sort of a hippie pacifist in terms of general persona.

To carry a false persona is an extra burden. Who needs that?

There is the real person I am, and there is the stage persona.

The Anne you see on TV is me; I don't have an on-camera persona.

Fantastic Negrito is a persona, an incarnation in my third phase.

I think everybody has a public persona. We all present ourselves.

I didn't have a particular persona. I'm not Alice Cooper, you know?

I was a bigger-than-life persona before I was anyone in my own mind.

Swag is confidence: how you dress, how you move, your whole persona.

I create this persona for the show. And that's what it is. I'm an act.

My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am.

I'm not a persona, and I'm not a character. I'm always the same person.

So many actors are not open in front of the camera - they have a persona.

To me, what the 'Billy on the Street' persona is, is me as a 12-year-old.

I'm just a Harlem dude that can rap, and people dig my style and persona.

I believe the best persona to be onstage is the one that comes naturally.

I have relaxed into my persona as an author, although I used to fight that.

While many comics have a secret persona, I fundamentally want to be myself.

My persona has given me a certain notoriety, if not international celebrity.

My persona is less miserable than a lot of contemporary poetry speakers are.

I don't want to become a brand and I certainly don't want to have a persona.

Something should always change in a poem. The persona should learn something.

An actor's off-screen persona should never overshadow his on-screen characters.

There's the private persona and the public persona and the two shall never meet

A mother-in-law is better than a single and childless political persona, though.

There's the private persona and the public persona and the two shall never meet.

Let's just say I haven't been keeping up the Gary Barlow persona; I've let loose.

My professional persona never loosens its grip, keeping an eye on me at all times.

Bowie is just a persona. He's a singer, an entertainer. David Jones is a man I met.

Still when I go on talk shows, I worry that I have to live up to a comedic persona.

There's no difference between my persona on Twitter and Instagram and in real life.

I believe that Maryse's persona was the best female persona in years within the WWE.

I definitely have a stage persona. I don't walk around scowling at people too often.

I wasn't worried about flash or persona... It's all about writing a good, solid song.

I don't think about being a public persona too much - I just get on with what I'm doing.

When I ran away from the 'Octomom' persona, I went right back into my healthy lifestyle.

It's tough to have a movie-star persona when you're on a show as successful as 'Friends.'

I think there's a responsibility to any character that you play that was a living persona.

There's a persona that musicians carry with them. I like to find what's under the persona.

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