I've got loads of nieces and nephews.

I've always had loads of teddy bears.

There are loads of websites devoted to me.

I did loads of sessions with Andrew Oldham.

There are loads of bands I'd love to produce.

I have taken a good look at myself loads of times.

I listen to loads of different music all the time.

I think there are loads of different types of love.

Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun.

I've met Nicole Kidman, Elton John, loads of people.

Loads of verses don't make it into the finished song.

I love people who smile... and always try to smile loads.

Every increased possession loads us with a new weariness.

My dad took me to loads of concerts when I was growing up.

I used to like loads of boys and get rejected all the time.

I love it at Palace; the fans have got loads of love for me.

I think it's fun to own a wardrobe and have loads of clothes.

Loads of computer graphics equals a terrible video in my book.

I auditioned for 'Game of Thrones' seven times! Loads of times.

You have to have a name when you're young, I went through loads.

I'd rather go to school and do loads of music than anything else.

I cut up loads. I always want everything shorter, shorter, shorter.

I do loads of squats with weights. It's great for your bum and legs.

I definitely have loads of respect for writers and the art of writing.

I did loads of student films and fringe theatre. I worked for free a lot.

I got asked to do loads of TV series, all sorts of things that weren't me.

My mum loves jazz, and together we listen to loads of Chet Baker back home.

Every player would like to go and win loads more, but not every player can.

I've met loads of black and brown and various people who are well into comics.

I was at sea the other day and loads of meat floated past. It was a bit choppy.

The make-up on 'Footballers' Wives' is unbelievable - there's loads of fake tan.

I have loads of underwear, but only wear the bras because I never wear knickers.

I've got loads of ideas, but I need some structure in my life. I need a mission.

The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read, With loads of learned lumber in his head.

I've got a huge family back in Ireland, and I've made loads of movies in Ireland.

Work hard, play hard, dream big, love loads, laugh as much as you can, and give back.

I've been a godmother loads of times, but being a grandmother is better than anything.

For me, 'rich' isn't having lots of money; rich is having loads of things in your head.

Sweden endured a potato famine like in Ireland and loads of people emigrated to the US.

People eat duck and you think, well, we've got loads of chickens, leave the ducks alone!

There's a lot of heartache because you don't always win. You need loads of determination.

Confidence is something you're born with. I know I had loads of it even at the age of 15.

There are loads of women that don't want children. What does it matter? I'm still a woman.

I'd had my time in the charts and made loads of money. I was no longer hungry for success.

On long haul flights I always drink loads and loads of water and eat light and healthy food.

I see my music as Emotional Therapeutic Pop music that bleeds into loads of different genres.

The reason I can play loads of instruments is because I kept giving up and trying another one.

I got offered loads of reality shows, including 'I'm A Celebrity' and 'Celebrity Big Brother.'

I always try to travel as light as possible. I feel really embarrassed having loads of luggage.

Until I was about ten, I wasn't that good. I just had loads of energy and loved running around.

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